API Test Automation With RestAssured Library and Cucumber BDD Framework

Introduction to Rest Assured Library

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architecture that consumes HTTP calls for inter-system communication where a client can access the server resource with a unique URI, and the response of the resource is returned. The URI of the resource acts as a resource identifier, and HTTP operations like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE can be performed on the resource.

REST Assured is a Java library that leverages developing robust, maintainable tests for Restful APIs with domain-specific language(DSL). Let’s discuss some of the salient features of the Rest Assured Library:

What BDD Is and Why You Need It: Java and Behavior Driven Development

Is Behavior Driven Development Just Another Religion?

You might hear about BDD but still don't have a clear understanding of what it is. Here I'll try to simplify the main ideas and provide clear examples. This article is useful not only for developers but all people involved in the development process like analysts, product owners, and even guys from the business.

BDD Makes Application Logic More Transparent

Low Transparency in Application is a very known problem in IT. Quite often domain knowledge belongs only to the development team. As a consequence, to get even a simple answer you have to ask the developer to explain.

API Testing With Cucumber

An API represents a set of rules that enables services to communicate with each other. It is important to have a shared understanding of the API by the stakeholders. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) allows us to describe behaviors that are understandable to domain experts, testers, and developers through examples. A well-written example serves to represent a balanced view of competing concerns -

  • Shared understanding. An example can be shared among API stakeholders to promote communication and understanding.
  • Tests.  Implement the example as an automated test to check the functionality of the API.
  • Documentation. An example can be used by anyone to understand the system.

BDD is a very apt tool to test APIs. We will use Cucumber that supports BDD to test APIs developed in Java. One advantage of doing so is that the Java developer who implemented the API does not have to learn a new language to test it.

BDD Tests on Github Actions With Cucumber Run in Parallel Jobs

Cucumber employs Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) for testing your application. This type of test is often time-consuming when running in the browser. You will learn how to run Cucumber tests on Github Actions using parallel jobs to execute the test suite much faster.

Github Actions Matrix Strategy

WebDriverIO Integration With Cucumber

WebDriverIO: Next-generation Automation Framework

WebDriverIO is an open-source next-generation automation framework, that allows us to automate modern web and mobile applications. It has an extended set of built-in and community plugins that help in designing robust, scalable tests and easily integrate with third-party applications including cloud services (BrowserStack, Applitools, Sauce Labs), Docker, Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub, and many more.

It helps in designing automation tests for web applications and native mobile applications in just a few lines of code, making it very popular among developers and testers. It runs on WebDriver protocol to support cross-browser testing, and Chrome DevTools protocol to support Chromium-based automation. 

Putting BDD in Practice Using Scala

This article aims to give a brief explanation of what BDD is and how it can be used to fill the information gap between stakeholders and development teams, ensuring everyone (technical or not) is involved in the project’s progress.

The first time I had contact with this approach to software development was a few years ago during a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and, I must warn you, I've never applied it in production. Nevertheless, I'm fully aware this is not the holy grail and it might not work so well as advertised, but the idea of having everyone on the team (not only developers) collaborating on the development process sounded very romantic to me.

Build a BDD Automation Framework With A Vision

Building a test automation framework with Selenium is more of an art than a technical activity. A lot needs to be considered when building such frameworks. Understanding client expectations for what needs to be delivered is a key aspect of thinking about automation. 

Automated testing approaches with technologies that can build applications much faster than a traditional full-stack brings automation testing time in a squeeze. Technologies like OPA and FirmStep’s Achieve Forms and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which have known to speed up application building time significantly, have also impeded test automation. This leads to a small window for automation testing and is ruled out of scope. I have worked with all of the above technologies and have faced the same experience.

This led me to build an automation framework using Cucumber which can be understood by all the members in the project. We could sit down with the BA and the Scrum Master and translate requirements and acceptance criteria into an automated test.

Test Automation: Seamless Integration of Tools and Frameworks

In this article, I want to give you an overview of how well the latest technologies can be integrated seamlessly into a test automation framework. Test automation is also an integral part of the software development lifecycle, and we want our test automation framework to contain all the latest features with minimal effect.

In this article, we build a sample test automation framework that consists of tools like Spring Boot, Cucumber, Java 8, and Serenity to test a sample Calculator application.

Handling Manual Tests in Serenity BDD

One of the principles of BDD is to have a single source of truth for both the requirements that describe a feature and the automated tests that verify them. And it is a natural step to want to include both automated and manual tests in this single source of truth.

Cucumber is primarily and traditionally used for automating executable specifications. But with Serenity BDD, you can add special tags to indicate that a scenario represents a manual test case.

A Guide to Cucumber Best Practices

In this post, we’ll share some good Cucumber practices, especially when writing scenarios using the Gherkin language, clarifying some BDD concepts and from these practices, how to build better scenarios.

BDD is a development strategy, and even if you do not follow this practice, we find it beneficial to use Cucumber (or a similar tool) since it "forces you" to document your automated tests before implementing them. It’s fundamental that these tests be made clear to a user who does not know the behavior of the described functionality and that they be maintainable to reduce the costs of making changes in the test steps.
This image by Cucumber reflects the idea of combining automated tests, having a living documentation, and at the same time, still having specifications that are executable. All of this is thanks to the approach of using a tool like Cucumber.

5 Courses to Learn Selenium WebDriver for Automation Testing in Java

The days of manual testing are limited as more and more companies are shifting towards automation testing. This means all manual testing QAs needs to learn new test automation skills through Selenium, Cucumber, JUnit, and TestNG to give their career a boost. If you are manual testers or non-programming testers interested in learning test automation, or a freshers/graduates who want to kick-start their career in automating testing then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn Selenium Webdriver with Java and other automation testing technology like JUnit, Cucumber, and more.

Today's software development world uses TDD (Test-Driven Development) and BDD (Business-Driven Development) practices and requires continuous integration and continuous deployment using Jenkins and Maven.

Custom Framework Listeners

In my past articles, I’ve written about using custom listeners as part of getting the desired reporting or making your tests do what you want. I’ve always referred offhandedly to these listeners, never paying them direct attention. I figured it was finally time to actually write a full-fledged post about listeners and some useful tricks.

What Is a Listener?

Most testing frameworks (JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, Robot…) have what they call a ‘listener.’ This is a class with methods that runs before or after your tests and has hooks into reporting and logging. It works within the framework to identify what passes, what fails, and maybe even why. Sometimes, these also include how and when tests are executed. Understanding how these listeners work can add additional insight into how your tests run. Understanding how these listeners can be modified can allow you greater control over your tests.

Building Web Applications With Spring, Cucumber, and Swagger


Because a lot of software developers spend a lot of time building production ready Java-based web applications (with APIs) that include an automated test suite.

My intention is to build a reference application using a proven/robust application stack which can then be used to build applications from the scratch, fast. Maybe 10X faster.

Running Cucumber With Maven

A little while ago (ok, maybe in the distant past), I started writing about Cucumber. My very first post detailed how to set up Cucumber JVM, and we’ve come a long way from then. I thought it was worth revisiting, as there are simpler ways to get set up, and better tools out there to use. So with that, let’s dive back in!

Build Tools

Previously, I was setting up the project by manually identifying and downloading each of the required jars into a lib directory. That is so last decade to do things. What we should be doing is orchestrating and controlling these dependencies with a build tool.

Getting Started With Serenity BDD and Cucumber 4

Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high-quality automated acceptance tests, with powerful reporting and living documentation features. It has strong support for both web testing with Selenium, and API testing using RestAssured.

Image titleSerenity strongly encourages good test automation design, and supports several design patterns, including classic Page Objects, the newer Lean Page Objects/Action Classes approach, and the more sophisticated and flexible Screenplay pattern.

BDD – An Introduction and Usage Guide

When I was asked to implement TDD/BDD in our work, I searched a lot for a single-page document/site but was not able to find one. Though there are plenty of very good resources available on this topic, I have decided to create a single article to show both of these 2 approaches hands-on.


In Agile development, organizations want to be market ready for new products, features, and functionalities within a very small period of time. But traditional testing methodologies cannot ensure this. To keep up the pace with this rapid development in an Agile environment, a few new design practices for Software Testing were born. We can name a few like ATDD, TDD, BDD, or Integration Testing, but we will limit our discussion to TDD & BDD which are the most used practice nowadays.