11 Best CSS Frameworks To Look Forward In 2020

For any front end developer, there are two major concerns. The first one is time & efficiency and the other is browser compatibility testing issues. To address both concerns, it’s important to adopt a web design methodology that helps one save time and improve efficiency besides enhancing user experience. Speaking of which, CSS proves to be a win-win for both users and web designers.

Cascading Style Sheets or simply CSS are web design tools that separate document content from document presentation. This results in a dramatic decrease in the file transfer size. Once you apply a change to the site’s CSS style sheet, it can automatically reflect on all the pages alike. CSS offers great design consistency and offers a wide array of formatting options.

CSS Preprocessors – Sass vs LESS vs Stylus (With Examples)

It has been a while since the concept of CSS Preprocessor made its debut into the mainstay of frontend web development and changed the way we code CSS. To say that its impact in pushing the limits of what CSS can achieve has been nothing short of revolutionary, would be a grave understatement. To all the front-end developers actively arguing around the debate for Sass vs LESS in their projects, I can only hope that your neck isn’t sore from nodding in agreement.

It would be unfathomable to go back to the days without Sass, stuck in the messy quagmire of vanilla CSS, which often proved difficult to manage and organize as you scale up. Yet quite a lot of beginners and even some experienced developers, are doing a great disservice to themselves by being reluctant to adopt CSS Preprocessors and continue to ignore them.

CSS Grid Layout vs CSS Frameworks: When To Use What

“CSS Grid or CSS Framework? What should I use for my next project?” It is a question often asked by web developers, specifically new ones after they are introduced to the CSS Grid layout. CSS Grid layouts allow developers to build custom complex layouts with absolute control only by using Native CSS properties without relying on any frameworks which are bound by basic 12 column grid layouts plagued with default styling rules and do not offer a lot of room for customization.

On the other hand building grid layouts with frameworks like Bootstrap feels like a breeze without the need of writing any CSS style rules or media queries to make the layout responsive.