What Java Developers Need to Know About Geo-Distributed Databases

I’ve been working with distributed systems, platforms, and databases for the last seven years. Back in 2015, many architects began using distributed databases to scale beyond the boundaries of a single machine or server. They selected such a database for its horizontal scalability, even if its performance remained comparable to a conventional single-server database. 

Now, with the rise of cloud-native applications and serverless architecture, distributed databases need to do more than provide horizontal scalability. Architects require databases that can stay available during major cloud region outages, enable hybrid cloud deployments, and serve data close to customers and end users. This is where geo-distributed databases come into play. 

Demystifying HTTP Verbs: Patch, Put, and Post

If you’re still getting the hang of web development and HTTP specification, you might find yourself often confused about which verbs to use and when. 

Some developers learn that most applications on the internet are CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications and that the HTTP verbs match to these actions 1:1. POST is a Create, GET is a Read, PATCH (or PUT) is an Update, and DELETE is a Delete.

Using CRUD Operations in MongoDB in Node.js Using Mongoose

MongoDB CRUD Operations

Mongoose provides a simple schema-based solution to model your app data. In this post, we will see how we can use it to write basic CRUD operations in Node.js.

Understanding Schema

First let's write a Mongoose schema for a sample requirement. Example entity is Team, where I want to save:

Introduction to Spring Data JPA, Part 3: Unidirectional One to Many Relations

We will look into unidirectional one-to-many relations. We will use Cascade Types, a constructor-based dependency injection by removing the @Autowired annotation. We will accomplish this with a small implementation where we will handle the DELETE operation, understand  @PathVariable annotation, use Orphan removal, and the @Transaction  annotation.

Let us consider an organization. Here there will be many employees, each taking up different tasks. Let us call the employees users and classify their tasks into roles they play. Some may be performing managerial task, so we'll give them the role MANAGER. Some may be performing system administration tasks, so we'll give them the role ADMIN.  

Register and Login Using SQLite in Xamarin.Forms


This article demonstrates how to register, login, and update the user data in SQLite. We perform CRUD operations with SQLite DB in Xamarin.Forms and can easily store and retrieve objects from the local database.


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