Generating a Hyperlambda Database CRUD backend

This is going to be a "different" tutorial, since instead of creating code ourselves, we will use Magic to generate our code, and analyse what Magic did afterwards. If you prefer to watch a video where I demonstrate this process, you can watch the following video.

As you can see in the above video, what Magic does for us, is to provide us with a starting point, from where we can modify the code, to have it do whatever we want it to do for us. However, in order to modify the code, we'll need to understand it. So let us walk through it step by step, starting out with creating our database, ending up with an understanding of the code, allowing us to modify it as we see fit. So let us create our database first.

Introduction to MongoDB With Java

mongoDBWe now live in a data driven world where we are generating so much data that it becomes difficult to manage this data using databases. There are different databases available for different use cases. For a long time Relational databases were used for most of the uses cases, but as the technology advanced and modern applications came which need more scalability and variety came into picture it became important to choose the right database. This is where one of the No-SQL databases comes in such as MongoDB. In this blog we will have an Introduction to MongoDB and how we can get started with MongoDB with java.

What Is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open-source non relational, document oriented database. MongoDB being document oriented means that it stores data in JSON like documents which makes it more powerful and expressive. Data is stored in documents in Key pair values.

Gemini Starter: Model-Driven CRUD REST APIs With Spring


This article explains what is included in the Gemini Starter Repository and how to start with a full Gemini project to set up a CRUD REST API, starting from Data Model and without generating code.

You may also like: Developing REST APIs

Gemini is a model-driven REST framework that automatically generates CRUD APIs. You can take a look at the official repository here. We are going to define entities and code to obtain the following CRUD APIs.