How To Get Started With Automated Browser Testing?

If you have a website for consumer products, you must know that some challenges exist only with these websites; one such challenge is ensuring that the functionalities work expectedly across browsers and devices. Browsers interpret things differently; hence you have to ensure consistency in the appearance (UI/UX) and functionalities of the website/web application across different browsers. 

This makes cross-browser testing extremely important as it lets you compare the functionalities and design of a website on multiple browsers, devices, and platforms (operating systems). To fast-track the process of browser compatibility testing, developers should use automated browser testing. 

How To Run JUnit Tests From The Command Line

JUnit is one of the most popular Java-based open-source frameworks used for testing every unit of the application, i.e., classes and methods. And for automating the testing of web applications, you can use it with the Selenium WebDriver. Though Selenium and JUnit can function independently, combining them can help develop tests in a structured format.

Though Java offers several IDEs using which you can write code and run tests, you would like to execute JUnit from the command line. Why?

Fast, Efficient, and Effective Cross Browser Testing

What do you think about cross-browser testing?

Developers likely develop on only one browser – and maybe only one operating system. How does an app maker ensure that defects on other browsers will not affect their user base? In theory, cross-browser testing can help companies catch product defects before products get released to customers. But the legacy approach – setting up a bunch of parallel devices and running tests across each – incurs significant engineering skill and resource cost.

Reasons Why Startups Must Invest in Cross-Browser Testing

Hassle in a startup is not a new thing. Most startups struggle to grow. They try everything and make sure to deliver the best things on time, however, some things are underrated or are confused to be of less importance. Cross-browser testing in a startup is one such thing.

Cross-browser testing is testing your website or web application in different browsers or browser versions or devices and operating systems to make sure that the web app or website works perfectly in all of them.

Best Automated Cross-Browser Testing Tools

What is your favorite browser testing tool?

In this fast-paced software market, companies need to deliver products not just with quality but also at a rapid speed. If you are not providing the product according to customer requirements, then you might end up losing your reputation in the market. With the involvement of Agile practices, it has become highly crucial for organizations to meet the standards of software or web development.

One thing that is more important than a faster delivery of products is the browser compatibility of your business site that visitors use to see your products. If the web app isn’t compatible with the browser standards that people use to access your site, then they might not revisit your site.

Tools and Frameworks for Faster Front End Testing

Tools and frameworks, just for you!

In every web app, the frontend is the face of the application that is visible to users. It includes the graphical user interface, functionality, and usability of the site. If the front-end is not working properly, you will not be able to earn potential users for your website. That’s why performing frontend testing for your web app is very crucial.

Cross-Browser Testing: Best Practices and Useful Resources

Wine testing...browser testing...what's the difference?

In the earlier days of web development, executing cross-browser testing used to be very easy. There used to be only a few limited browsers, each browser had limited versions in usage, and most importantly, there were not so many different mobile screen sizes to worry about. But time has turned upside-down, now there are multiple devices to check on, there are many different browsers available on the market that are used by a considerable number of internet goers, and there are thousands of different screen sizes to test on.

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?