Should We Target Zero False Positives?

In an ideal world, secret detection tools would spot all leaked secrets and never report false positives.

Unfortunately -or maybe fortunately...- we do not live in an ideal world: secret detection tools are not perfect, sometimes they report false positives. But would it really be better if they did not?

Identity and Access Management

Given the rise in identity-focused breaches and the continuously growing number of identities, identity and access management (IAM) has emerged as a cornerstone for safeguarding enterprise systems. By orchestrating secure authorization and authentication, IAM serves as the digital gatekeeper, granting controlled access to diverse resources — from on-premises databases to cloud-based applications. In this Refcard, we delve deep into IAM's crucial role in modern cybersecurity. We outline the primary functions and principles that underpin IAM, highlight its significance, address common challenges faced by engineering teams, and focus on the core practices.

Rotating Service Credentials for IBM Cloud Functions

If you have followed some of my work, you know that I use IBM Cloud Functions, i.e., a serverless approach, for many projects. The tutorials with a database-driven (Db2-backed) Slackbot and the GitHub traffic analytics are such examples. In this blog post, I want to detail some of the security-related aspects. This includes how to share service credentials (think of a database username and password) with a cloud function and how to rotate the credentials.

Create and Bind Credentials

In order for a user or an app to access a service like a database system or a chatbot, a username and password or API keys are needed. In general, they are called service credentials. For many cloud computing technologies, sharing those credentials between services and apps is called binding a service.

Jenkins: Deploying Projects from Git with Submodules


To some, the word "submodules" strikes fear into the very heart of those developers who dare speak or hear it.

Ok, maybe it isn't that bad: Submodules can be a great way to tie together and deploy your services, especially in a microservices environment.