Craft Conference Is Coming Back Online

In Apium Academy, we help developers to get better through practical workshops, courses, and events. We believe in constant improvement and growth. Recently we have published an article about Top 5 Online Events On New Technologies And Trends 2021 and we decided to write a post specifically about Craft Conference pointing out the most interesting talks, workshops and speakers because we truly believe this conference is worth your time! 

We regularly host and participate in software architecture events and today we talk about worth-attending talks at Virtual Craft Conference. In this conference we are also featured as partners and our team will be there and we really hope to see you there as well!

Road to Great Code, Challenge #1 — Shuffle Playlist

Hone your craft with this Java coding challenge!

No matter what your profession is, it’s important to hone your craft. Uncle Bob (Rob Martin) in his book titled The Clean Coder suggests that us programmers should regularly practice writing code and solve common problems. Once we get good at solving them, he goes as far as recommending that we program to the rhythm of the music. Not to mention that we shouldn’t only stick to one programming language that we’ve mastered. We should constantly expose ourselves to different languages to get a better understanding of the programming universe.

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