How to Reduce Onboarding Costs by Using a Code Repository

Onboarding new developers into a project is a time-demanding and costly process, isn’t it? Just finding a proper specialist isn’t sufficient. We all know that every software development company has its own practices and uses its own tools. And those tools might even be in-house developed.

Therefore, it doesn't matter how skilled and experienced your new team member is, they will need to learn a lot. Sometimes, it takes pretty much time for them to learn all about the project they start working on (to start coding new features, for example), about the company’s corporate culture, and the commonly accepted practices and processes. Needless to mention the extensive documentation, and similar. 

How We Reduced AWS Bill from $2,000 to $200


A while back I worked on one Batch processing application, let’s call it Project X.

The way Project X used to work is whenever the user schedules a new job, EC2 Spot (t2.2xlarge) would be requested and that EC2 Spot will process that particular job. Once a job is finished that Spot instance would terminate itself.

Reduce the Cloud Bill of Your Java Applications

Are you running your applications on the cloud? If so, then you already know that your cloud provider charges you according to the resources (CPU, memory, disk) used by your applications. The more resources your applications consume, the higher your cloud bill will be! What can you do to reduce the resources being used by your Java applications, and save money from your cloud bill?

Use a Virtual Machine That Consumes Less Memory

The first option would be to run your Java applications on a Virtual Machine that consumes less memory. If you attempt to download the latest release of Java from AdoptOpenJDK, you will notice that 2 different flavors are available, with each one of them using a different Virtual Machine (VM):