How to Optimize AWS Observability Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a powerhouse cloud computing service allowing companies to produce computational functionality. They enable developers to quickly create serverless functions, which quickly delivers new features to consumers without scaling up infrastructure, taking both time and cost. The downside to this speed is that tracking and observing these functions’ health issues can be difficult, especially when running microservices. AWS provides several tools to assist developers in understanding their system’s health and are in the process of delivering new tools as well.

Observability With AWS CloudWatch

CloudWatch is AWS’s monitoring and insight service. Developers use CloudWatch to collect logs from compute functions and track performance information for many AWS services. Using this data, CloudWatch can create insights on which developers can develop alarms or insights. Using the combination of these tools, developers can create AWS observability tools that meet their needs.

Gain Better Visibility Into Kubernetes Cost Allocation

The Complexity of Measuring Kubernetes Costs

Adopting Kubernetes and service-based architecture can benefit organizations – teams move faster, and applications scale more easily. However, visibility into cloud costs is made more complicated with this transition. This is because applications and their resource needs are often dynamic, and teams share core resources without transparent prices attached to workloads. Additionally, organizations that realize the full benefit of Kubernetes often run resources on disparate machine types and even multiple cloud providers.

In this blog post, we’ll look at best practices and different approaches for implementing cost monitoring in your organization for a shrowback/chargeback program and how to empower users to act on this information. We’ll also look at Kubecost, which provides an open-source approach for ensuring consistent and accurate visibility across all Kubernetes workloads.

The 3Cs That Will Boost Your ROI of Software Development

The 3Cs of software development.

Innovative products, a loyal customer base, and consistent top-line growth – that’s the holy trinity of success for any ISV. Top ISVs invest significantly to drive quality, collaboration, and customer-centricity. The ROI of software development is closely linked to those attributes. How do they do it? Let’s find out.

Development Time: The Only Cost That Matters in 2019

It's the Thursday before a holiday weekend and you've got a cost crisis. Someone in finance has just noticed that this month's AWS bill is trending 15% higher than last month's. An all-hands meeting is called, and everyone is asked to shut down as much capacity as they can "safely." All the work your team has been trying to push out before end of sprint is going to be delayed for days. Chances of an operational outage when someone shuts down something critical? Pretty high...

The impact of lost development time, lost customer feedback on new features, operational issues — these all pale before the long-term impact of making developers scared to develop and deploy.

Cost Savings With DynamoDB On-Demand: Lessons Learned

One of my favorite features that was announced during re:Invent 2018 was DynamoDB On-Demand. With DynamoDB On-Demand, we can use DynamoDB without provisioning capacity. Instead, we pay per request. Sounds amazing, huh? I was excited and re-configured all DynamoDB tables of our SaaS product marbot: cloud-native alerting for CloudWatch via Slack. The result is stunning but misleading.

I shared my excitement on Twitter, and today, I add what we learned in the following weeks.