OAuth 2.0 vs Session Management

There seems to be a lot of misinformation on when OAuth 2.0 (henceforth referred to as OAuth) is appropriate for use. A lot of developers confuse OAuth with web session management and hence end up using the wrong protocol/set of technologies. This, in turn, leads to security issues. This article will clarify when to use regular session management solutions and when to use any one of the OAuth flows.

The Most Important Difference

Ideally, we would like all authenticated communication to be long lived (to provide the best user experience). The difference between user session management and OAuth is the level of trust between the communicating parties. 

All You Need to Know About User Session Security

What follows is a two-part series on session management  —  inspired by extensive conversations with over 70 developers and our own intensive research. We will explore different session management practices, identify issues, and converge on a solution to these issues. Through it all, I hope to leave you with clarity on deciding how to manage user sessions (and auth tokens) for your application. In 20 minutes, we summarize all the important information it took us hundreds of hours to obtain and document.

This article will introduce session management, analyze commonly use session flaws, and demonstrate best practices. Part two will take a look at a new open-source flow that is secure and easy to integrate into existing systems.