How to Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress (Substack Alternative)

Do you want to create a paid newsletter in WordPress instead of using Substack?

Paid newsletters are an incredibly popular way to make money online from your email subscribers, but using a platform like Substack can get expensive.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress, step by step.

How to create a paid newsletter in WordPress (Substack alternative)

Why Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress?

Paid email newsletters like Substack are becoming a very trendy and profitable way to make money online. They’re similar to standard email newsletters, but with exclusive premium content that’s sent to paying subscribers only.

A paid newsletter can be a standalone online business or another income source for your WordPress website. By creating your own paid email newsletter, you can directly profit off your writing while building a deep relationship with your readers.

However, using a service like Substack can get expensive. Substack takes 10% of all your profits, so you end up paying more and more over time.

By creating a paid newsletter on your WordPress site, you can avoid paying those high fees and keep more of your income for yourself.

The best thing about using WordPress is that it’s completely scalable and customizable, so you can choose to only invest in the features you need. For example, you could expand your offerings to include online courses, digital products, or whatever else you imagine.

Plus, using WordPress will give you more control over your newsletter design, subscriber experience, and more.

That being said, let’s show you how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress.

Step 1: Create a WordPress Site

If you don’t already have a WordPress site, then you’ll need to get that set up first.

To get started, you’ll need WordPress hosting, a domain name, and an SSL certificate.

Usually a domain name costs around $14.99 per year, web hosting around $7.99 per month, and SSL certificates costs around $69.99 each year.

If you are just starting out, then these startup costs can add up quickly.

Thankfully, we have a better solution.

Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, is offering our users a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting.

That means you can get all of the above for $2.75 per month.

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←

Note: At WPBeginner we believe in full transparency. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, then we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain + SSL certificate). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting service, but we only recommend products that we use personally and believe will add value to our readers.

Once you have signed up for hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. Luckily, Bluehost already comes with WordPress pre-installed, so you can simply move on to the next step.

Step 2: Sign Up for an Email Service Provider

Next, the most important thing you’ll need to start your paid email newsletter is an email marketing service provider so you can collect email addresses and send emails to your subscribers.

To create a paid email newsletter, we recommend using ConvertKit. It’s a robust email marketing platform for bloggers, authors, and marketers. It’s easy to use and has all the features you need to create a paid email newsletter.


You can use our ConvertKit coupon for WPBeginner readers to get a 14 day free trial with no credit card needed.

First, you need to go to the ConvertKit website and click the ‘Get started for free’ button to sign up for a plan.

Sign up for ConvertKit

This will bring you to a screen where you’ll answer a few questions about your business to get started.

Then you’ll need to enter an email address and password and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

Enter email password for ConvertKit

Keep this screen open, since you’ll need your account information in a later step below.

Note: this tutorial would work with other email marketing platforms as well including Constant Contact, Drip, MailChimp, etc. But we will be using ConvertKit for our example.

Step 3: Add Membership Functionality to Your Email Newsletter

After you’ve signed up for an email marketing provider, you need a way to process payments and add premium membership functionality to your email newsletter.

While ConvertKit has a built-in way to create a premium newsletter and accept payments, it’s only available on the Creator Pro plan which costs 3x more the regular plan. While the price does get less expensive the more you grow, you always pay a higher transaction fee.

This is why we recommend using a separate WordPress membership plugin because it removes the extra transaction fees, and it gives you the flexibility to sell other digital goods like courses, eBooks, and more.

For setting up memberships in WordPress, we recommend using MemberPress. It’s the best WordPress membership plugin in the market that lets you easily sell newsletter subscriptions on your website.


First thing you need to do is install and activate the MemberPress plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to MemberPress » Settings and click on the ‘License’ menu option to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the MemberPress website.

Enter MemberPress license

Simply copy and paste your license key, and then click on the ‘Activate License Key’ button.

Once you’ve done that, you need to set up a way to receive payments.

Unlike with Substack, you’re not required to use a certain payment gateway. MemberPress supports several of the most popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe,, and more.

To add a payment method go to MemberPress » Settings, click on the ‘Payments’ tab and then click the ‘Plus’ button.

You need to enter a name for the payment method, and then choose your payment gateway from the drop down menu.

Setup MemberPress payments

MemberPress will now ask you to fill in the details for that payment method.

For example, for standard PayPal payments, you need to enter your PayPal email address.

MemberPress payments PayPal example

If you want to add multiple payment methods for your subscribers, then simply click the ‘Plus’ icon and follow the same process as above.

Once you’re finished adding payment options, make sure to click the ‘Update Options’ button to save your settings.

Step 4: Create a Paid Email Subscription Plan and Sign Up Page

Now that you’ve set up the plugin, it’s time to create a paid subscription plan that your users can join. To do this, you’ll need to create a membership level in MemberPress.

Simply navigate to MemberPress » Memberships and then click the ‘Add New’ button.

Add new MemberPress membership

This brings you to a screen where you need to give your membership plan a name and set the price in the ‘Membership Terms’ meta box.

When you create a membership level a sign up page will automatically be created. So, the text you add to this page will appear when your users are about to sign up.

For this tutorial, we’ve named the plan ‘Premium Subscription’ and set the price to $5 per month.

MemberPress new subscription info

With MemberPress, you have complete control over the membership details. You can set the price, duration, payment terms, and more.

Most premium email newsletters will charge monthly, but you can decide to use ‘Recurring’ or ‘One-time’ billing. You can choose from weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or a custom time interval for recurring payments.

You can also set a free trial period, so your subscribers can try your newsletter before they decide to buy.

There are even more options to customize your membership plan in the ‘Membership Options’ box below the post editor.

Membership options box customize

The default settings will work for most cases, but you can still review them to see if you’d like to make a change.

We recommend checking the ‘Enable custom thank you page message’ box.

Then, select the ‘Enable custom thank you message’ radio button.

This brings up a drop down where you can enter a custom thank you message for your visitors. You can also choose to redirect subscribers to a custom thank you page as well.

Enable custom thank you message

Once you’re done, click on the ‘Publish’ button to save your membership plan.

Some users might also want to create a completely custom registration page for their email subscribers. This lets you create an attractive design that will convert more visitors into customers.

To create a custom signup page, you can use a drag and drop page builder.

We recommend using SeedProd because it’s really easy to use, and there is a free version available.

SeedProd Page Builder

For more details, see our guide on how to create a landing page with WordPress.

Note: To add your registration form to a custom SeedProd landing page, you need to use the following shortcode to display your sign up form.

[mepr-membership-registration-form id="6492"]

You need to replace the ID with the ID for your membership page. You can find this in the URL for your page.

Add page ID for MemberPress shortcode

Another option you may want to consider is making your signup page the homepage of your WordPress site. This is a great option if your website’s only purpose is to get signups for your paid newsletter.

To do this, simply go to Settings » Reading. Then, click the ‘A static page’ radio button.

Select static newsletter page for homepage

After that, choose your page from the ‘Homepage:’ drop down list.

Once you’ve done that, click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page.

Now, your visitors will see your premium newsletter sign up form the moment they land on your website.

Home page email newsletter example

Alternatively, you can add your registration page to your navigation menu. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to add a navigation menu in WordPress.

Step 5: Connect ConvertKit with MemberPress in WordPress

Now that you’ve created a membership plan and registration page, it’s time to connect ConvertKit to MemberPress so that your new members will automatically be added to your email list.

To do this, you’ll need the ConvertKit addon. You can download this from your account on the MemberPress website by logging in to your account and clicking the ‘Download’ tab.

MemberPress account downloads tab

Then scroll down to find ‘ConvertKit’, and click on it to download the addon.

Download ConvertKit addon

After that, you can install and activate the addon the same way you installed the MemberPress plugin above.

Once that’s installed, simply go to MemberPress » Settings and click on the ‘Marketing’ tab, and then check the box that says ‘Enable ConvertKit’.

Enable ConvertKit API

This brings up a drop down where you need to enter your API key. You can find this under your account settings on the ConvertKit website.

You can also select a tag from the ‘ConvertKit Tag’ drop down. This will automatically tag new subscribers who sign up for your premium newsletter.

Then click the ‘Update Options’ button.

Now your visitors can sign up for your premium email newsletter.

Once they sign up and complete their subscription, they’ll automatically be added to your list in ConvertKit where you can send your premium newsletter.

Final Thoughts: Creating a Profitable Premium Newsletter in WordPress

The best part about using WordPress and MemberPress to create your premium newsletter is that you’re not reliant on a single email marketing platform.

We recommended ConvertKit because it has powerful automation features and has good email deliverability.

But this tutorial will work with any email marketing platform that integrates with MemberPress including Constant Contact, AWeber, Drip, GetResponse, Keap, MailChimp, Active Campaign, and more.

The flexibility of this method allows you to enjoy the true freedom of WordPress without being locked into a single email marketing platform.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a paid newsletter in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert picks of the best web push notification software and our guide on how to get a free email domain.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Paid Newsletter in WordPress (Substack Alternative) appeared first on WPBeginner.

6 Best WordPress Newsletter Plugins (Easy to Use + Powerful)

Do you want to create an email newsletter for your WordPress site? Creating an email list is one of the best things you can do to grow your business.

An email newsletter allows your website visitors to subscribe, so they can receive email updates from you about your blog, new sale promotions, etc.

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress newsletter plugins that you can use to easily build and grow your email list.

Best WordPress newsletter plugins (easy to use)

Why Your Site Needs an Email Newsletter

An email newsletter lets you keep in touch with your site’s visitors. Email marketing is a crucial and effective way to make money from your website.

Some website owners think that they need to get to a certain stage with their site before starting a newsletter. But we believe it’s important to start building your email list right away.

Although we’re using the term newsletter, you don’t necessarily need to send out regular news. You might create a short email course for new subscribers to help them get to know you better. You could also use your newsletter list to offer special discounts on your products and services.

If you want more ideas of what you could include in your newsletter, check out our step by step guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way.

When it comes to WordPress newsletter plugins, there are three different types. First type of newsletter plugins are associated with email marketing services which offer the most comprehensive set of features.

Second type are simple newsletter plugins that let you draft emails inside WordPress, but they rely on third-party SMTP services to help you reliably send emails to your subscribers.

Lastly, the third type of WordPress newsletter plugins are designed to help you get more email subscribers and grow your email list. These plugins integrate with all popular email marketing services and other newsletter plugins.

With that said, let’s take a look at the top WordPress newsletter plugins that you can use to build and grow your email list.

1. Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is a service that you can use to build an email list and send out emails. We believe it’s the best email marketing service for small businesses.

Due to the popularity of Constant Contact, leading WordPress form plugins like WPForms, offer built-in integration for Constant Contact, so you can quickly build newsletter subscriber forms.

Constant Contact integration is also available in WPForms free version.

This lets you easily build your email list from your WordPress site while relying on a powerful email deliverability platform of Constant Contact to send emails.


  • Constant Contact itself is a fully-featured email marketing service. It lets you easily create emails using templates. You can segment your list, set up automated emails, and much more.
  • If you don’t already have a Constant Contact account, they offer a generous free trial for you to get started.
  • There are a lot of third-party plugins like WPForms that offer native integration for Constant Contact.
  • Constant Contact comes with excellent support (email, chat, and live phone support).
  • You can also integrate Constant Contact with WooCommerce and other eCommerce platforms.


  • Constant Contact email marketing service lacks advanced targeting features that are available in marketing automation platforms like Drip or ConvertKit.


The plugin to integrate Constant Contact with WordPress (WPForms Lite) is 100% free.

But you’ll need to use their email marketing service. Constant Contact has a 60-day free trial (no credit-card required). After that their pricing starts as low as $20/month.

WPBeginner users can use our Constant Contact coupon code to get an additional 20% off.

2. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is a popular marketing and popup plugin for WordPress. It lets you create personalized newsletter opt-in forms, so you can grow your email list and convert more abandoning visitors into subscribers.

OptinMonster works with all major email marketing services and popular WordPress newsletter plugins.


  • OptinMonster integrates with lots of different email marketing services, including popular ones like Constant Contact. It also integrates with plugins like Sendinblue and MailPoet.
  • You can use OptinMonster’s signature Exit-Intent® technology to create popups that appear as a visitor’s about to leave your site. That way, you won’t interrupt their experience on your site.
  • It’s easy to A/B test your sign up forms to see what headlines, offers, and layouts lead to the best conversion rate.
  • You can create segmentation rules to target specific pages on your site. OptinMonster also lets you personalize your newsletter forms based on user’s geolocation, past behavior on site, etc.
  • All plans include full access to OptinMonster university training. This is a whole library of plans, checklists, ebooks, guides, webinars, and more to help you grow your email list faster.
  • There’s a full money-back guarantee. If you don’t like the software for any reason, cancel within 14 days of purchasing and you can get a full refund.


  • OptinMonster doesn’t provide the actual mailing list software. You’ll need to join a separate service (such as Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc) for this.
  • There’s no free version of OptinMonster, and you can’t take a free trial. However, there is a full money-back guarantee.


OptinMonster premium plugin costs $9/month (billed annually). You can upgrade to unlock the powerful features like geolocation, gamified opt-in forms, and more.

3. Sendinblue


Sendinblue is another email marketing service that we highly recommend. It’s easy to use and has a free plan, as well as a simple plugin that you can add to WordPress.

Along with email marketing, you can also use Sendinblue to send emails through your website. In fact, it’s our top recommendation for the best SMTP email service provider with high email deliverability.


  • The Sendinblue WordPress plugin can be easily installed through your WordPress dashboard. Once you’ve created it, you simply activate it using the API key from your Sendinblue account.
  • There’s a completely free plan, where you can send up to 300 emails per day to your newsletter list. You don’t have to enter any credit card details for this.
  • The Sendinblue customer service team is helpful and responsive. You can contact them through email or live chat.
  • If you’re using WooCommerce, you can use WP Mail SMTP plugin to connect Sendinblue’s SMTP and send your confirmation emails to buyers.
  • Within Sendinblue, there’s a range of templates to choose from. All of them are responsive, which means they’ll look good on mobile devices.


  • Sendinblue doesn’t have the range of templates that some other email service providers offer. It also doesn’t have such powerful segmentation and automation options.
  • It can be a little fiddly to import your contacts if you’ve already created a mailing list somewhere else.


Sendinblue has a completely free plan that you can use for up to 300 emails/day. If you want more, their paid plans start at $25/month. That gives you 40,000 emails each month and no daily sending limits.

4. MailPoet

MailPoet newsletter plugin

MailPoet is a newsletter plugin for WordPress that also works with your WooCommerce online store.

With the standard version of MailPoet, you’ll also need an account with a third-party email service provider such as Constant Contact.

However, you can choose to sign up for MailPoet’s “Premium + Sending” service, which takes care of sending your emails too. This is free for up to 1,000 subscribers.


  • It’s quick and easy to get started with MailPoet. You can simply install the plugin in WordPress and get started straight away.
  • With MailPoet, you manage your subscriber list and newsletter emails through WordPress itself. This means you don’t need to login to anything else.
  • There’s a free “Premium + Sending” plan available for up to 1,000 subscribers, making this a great option if you’re on a very tight budget.
  • When it comes to sending your emails, there’s a range of built in templates available.
  • You can easily add a signup form to your WooCommerce checkout page to collect emails and encourage repeat purchases.
  • The paid plans come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like MailPoet, you can simply ask for your money back.
  • You can choose to use MailPoet’s own “Sending” service or you can sign up for a third-party service such as Amazon SES or Sendgrid.
  • It’s easy to connect MailPoet to OptinMonster if you want to use both plugins.


  • There isn’t a huge range of templates, and you may find yourself doing quite a bit of customization to get something that works for you.
  • The analytic tools provided by MailPoet are more limited than those you’ll get with some other email marketing services.


MailPoet is completely free. If you want to use their “Premium + Sending” service, it’s free for up to 1,000 subscribers. After that, it costs from $13/month (billed annually).

5. Bloom


Bloom is a plugin from Elegant Themes, the Divi theme creators. Like OptinMonster, it lets you create sign up forms to encourage people to join your email list. These can appear after a certain interval or you can simply add them in specific locations.


  • If you’ve already got an account with Elegant Themes then you don’t have to pay anything extra for Bloom. This can help you keep down the costs of building a WordPress site.
  • Bloom lets you create a range of different options. These include optins that pop up, ones that fly in, ones that appear beneath your content, and more.
  • You can design your optins to appear after certain “triggers” take place, like after a certain length of time, or after someone comments.
  • Bloom easily integrates with lots of different email service providers. These include Constant Contact, MailPoet, and Sendinblue.


  • The range of templates for Bloom is quite limited, though there are several color variations of each layout.
  • Bloom doesn’t have anything similar to OptinMonster’s advanced Exit-Intent® technology. It also doesn’t offer floating bar or fullscreen optins like OptinMonster does.


Bloom is part of the full Elegant Themes package, which also includes their popular drag and drop WordPress theme, Divi.

6. Newsletter

Newsletter WordPress plugin

Newsletter is a free WordPress plugin that you can use to send as many newsletters as you want. The premium version integrates with other plugins like WooCommerce and WPForms and offers extra features.


  • Newsletter is free, though you may want to pay for the Premium version to get all the extensions.
  • You can add an external SMTP provider to Newsletter. This is definitely recommended as it should improve your email deliverability.
  • You can control how fast emails go out, which is very useful if you’re sending them through your web host and they place limits on you.
  • There are a number of free addons available for Newsletter. You could use these to create an archive of your newsletter and lock content so that people can only access it after subscribing.


  • The spam prevention isn’t as good as with some other options. You might find you get some spam subscribers through your signup form.
  • You’ll ideally need to connect Newsletter to an external SMTP provider. They don’t provide a “Sending” option or similar like MailPoet does.
  • Pricing

    The basic version of Newsletter is free, regardless of how many emails you send. If you want the pro extensions and priority support, it costs $65/year.

    Final Thoughts

    When it comes to WordPress newsletter plugins, you almost always want to use a proper email marketing platform that offers full email delivery services like Constant Contact, Sendinblue, Drip, etc.

    The challenge is that most of these platforms lack powerful signup form features, and that’s where WordPress newsletter plugins like OptinMonster and too some extent form builder plugins like WPForms can help.

    These plugins let you connect your WordPress site with powerful email marketing services, so you get the best of both worlds.

    Most professionals and power users DO NOT use a newsletter plugin inside WordPress to manage their email list because they don’t want the hassle of using an SMTP plugin and connecting it with an email delivery service.

    Your email list is too important and valuable, and its best practice to let the expert email marketing companies handle that part for your business. Even at WPBeginner and our software businesses, we use third-party email marketing companies even though we have all the technical know-how.

    We hope this article helped you learn about the best WordPress newsletter plugins for creating and building your email list. You might also enjoy our tried and tested ways to grow your email list faster, and our list of the must have WordPress plugins for all business sites.

    If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

    The post 6 Best WordPress Newsletter Plugins (Easy to Use + Powerful) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Create an Email Newsletter the RIGHT WAY (Step by Step)

Do you want to create an email newsletter for your website, blog, or eCommerce business?

An email newsletter helps you stay in touch with your users, bring them back to your website, and convert them into customers.

The challenge is that many beginners find it difficult to start an email newsletter. Mainly because they feel that it would be too technical or time-consuming.

That used to be the case 10 years ago, but now creating an email newsletter is so easy that even a non-techy can do it!

Having built an email newsletter with over 1 million subscribers, we have decided to create an ultimate guide on how to start an email newsletter with step by step instructions.

Our goal is to help you walk through the process and set up your email newsletter the RIGHT way.

How to easily create a newsletter

Since this is a comprehensive guide, we have included a table of content for easier navigation.

What is an Email Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a form of online communication that allows you to send news, tips, and updates about your product, business, or non-profit.

In order to receive these updates, people need to join your email list by providing their email address. These users are referred to as subscribers, leads, or contacts.

Organizations and individuals use email newsletters in many different ways. For example, businesses use email newsletters to send users product information, new arrivals, and latest updates.

Websites and blogs use email newsletters to send content updates, increase traffic, and building a loyal following.

Why Start an Email Newsletter?

Did you know, that more than 75% of people visiting your website today will never find it again?

It is not your fault, it’s just that the internet is so huge and there is a lot of content out there.

Starting an email newsletter will allow you to convert those website visitors into subscribers. Once they join your email newsletter, you will be able to stay in touch and bring them back to your website.

Basically without an email newsletter, you are losing potential subscribers and customers every day.

Now you may be thinking, ‘ What if we ask users to follow us on social media? Wouldn’t that provide a way to contact those users?’

It will, and you should definitely build a social media following. However, you don’t own those social media platforms.

Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter limit your audience’s reach. More importantly, most of your users may not be checking their social feeds as often.

On the other hand, people tend to check their email inbox several times every day. Most users use a mobile device with notifications turned on for emails.

For more on this topic, see our article on why building an email newsletter is so important.

Who Should Start an Email Newsletter?

Many of our users often ask us if they should make a newsletter for their business, blog, or organization. Our answer is always ‘Yes’.

Even if you are just starting out, you should start building your newsletter from day 1. Each day you are not doing this, you are losing money, subscribers, and potential customers.

Email marketing is a win-win situation regardless of your industry, business, or website traffic.

1. Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Business websites, regardless of their industry or size, can always benefit from creating a newsletter.

It is the most cost-effective way to stay in touch with your existing customers, website visitors, and potential customers.

Sony PlayStation Newsletter signup

2. Email Newsletter for Ecommerce Websites

A study found that more than 44% of email recipients have made at least one purchase because of a promotional email.

If you run an online store, then email marketing is the most effective tool to convert abandoned carts into paying customers.

For a long time, eCommerce giants have been effectively using email to convert casual visitors into buyers.

Abandoned cart emails

3. Email Newsletter for Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations need to reach out to their supporters for donations, support, events, and more. Other mediums like social media, phone, and physical mailing all cost a lot more money than email marketing.

Human Rights Watch newsletter signup form

Creating an email newsletter allows non-profits to stay in touch with the general public, supporters, and donors.

Users are more likely to open emails from a non-profit that they support. In fact, 49% of millennials prefer to get updates from the organizations they support via email.

To learn more, see this article on why email marketing is essential for non-profits.

4. Email Newsletter for Blogs and News Websites

If you want to start a blog or make a content-driven news site, then email marketing is the best way to build your audience. You will see that all popular internet marketers, influencers, and famous bloggers actively build their email lists.

Chris Brogan newsletter

Here is why:

  • You get to send email updates to users who would otherwise never return to your website again.
  • You build a steady audience of loyal readers without relying on third-party platforms like search and social media.
  • You don’t control search engines or social media. Your search rankings can drop and your social media profiles can get suspended for no reason. On the other hand, you own your email list and have complete freedom to use it.

5. Email Newsletters for Education

Educational institutions need support from an engaged community of students, faculty, parents, and local businesses. Whether it is for fundraising, admissions, events, or other activities; Email is the cheapest and most direct way for schools and colleges to reach out.

University of California newsletter signup form

These are just a few examples of how email newsletters can benefit businesses, individuals, and non-profits. There are many more examples out there, which is why most marketers believe that email marketing is crucial for being successful online.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily start an email newsletter to grow your own business and brand.

Step 1. Starting an Email Newsletter

The most important thing you’ll need to start your email newsletter is an email marketing service provider. These are companies that allow you to collect email addresses and send mass emails.

There are literally hundreds of email marketing services in the world including Constant Contact, SendinBlue, AWeber, Drip, ConvertKit, and many more.

After trying out almost every popular email marketing service, we recommend our users to use Constant Contact. They are one of the most popular email marketing service providers in the world, and their support is great in helping people get started.

Constant Contact offers a beginner friendly email marketing platform with simple drag and drop tools to help you quickly get started. They also have advanced email list growth tools, marketing automation, eye catching templates, and more.

First, you need to visit the Constant Contact website and click on the signup button. They have a 60 day free trial (no credit card required).

Signup for Constant Contact

Once you click the button, it will bring you to the signup page where you need to provide the information to create your account.

Fill in the signup form

After you complete the signup, you will be redirected to Constant Contact guided set up. Click on the ‘Skip this step’ below as we will show you how to set it up later in this article.

Skip set up wizard

You will now reach your Constant Contact dashboard. This is where you will manage your email lists, subscribers, and send your email newsletter.

Constant Contact dashboard

Note: Constant Contact free trial account only allows you to send up to 100 emails. You will need to purchase their paid plan to access all the powerful features. WPBeginner users can get a special 20% off when using our Constant Contact coupon code.

Step 2. Creating an Email List

An email list is basically a contact list of your subscribers. Think of it as a contact book containing email addresses of all the users who sign up to receive your email newsletter.

To keep your contacts organized, you need to create an email list.

Simply click on the ‘Contacts’ link from the top menu and then click on the Email List link in the sidebar.

Creating a new email list

This page will show all your email lists. By default, Constant Contact creates an email list for you labeled ‘General Interest’. You need to click on the ‘Enter a new list’ link to create a new email list.

Choose a name for your email list

You’ll be asked to enter a name for your list. You can enter anything here that helps you easily identify the list.

Next, click on the ‘Add list’ button, and Constant Contact will create the list for you.

Email list created

In order to start using this email list, you need at least one contact added to it. You can manually add a contact to your list by visiting the ‘Contacts’ page and clicking on the ‘Add Contacts’ button.

Add contact to your email list

This will show you a drop-down menu, asking how you would like to add contacts. You need to select ‘Type in one contact’ to continue.

On the next screen, you need to enter contact information. You can add one of your own email addresses here. This will allow you to test your email campaigns.

Adding a contact to your email list

After entering your contact information, click on the save button to add it. Your email list is now ready to be used.

Now that you have created an email list, it is time to set up some basic list settings.

Step 3. Setting up Your Email List Settings

The first thing you would want to set up is a welcome email. This is the email message sent to your users when they join your email newsletter.

Let’s get started.

First, you need to click on the ‘Campaigns’ link from the top menu and then click on the ‘Create’ button.

Create welcome email campaign

This will bring up a popup where you will be asked to select an email campaign type. Click on the ‘Email Automation’ to continue.

Email automation campaign

After that, you need to choose the email automation type. Click on the ‘Welcome email’ option to continue.

Select automated welcome email

Next, you will be asked to select a template for your email. The builder will automatically show you ‘Welcome email’ templates that you can use as a starting point.

Select welcome email template

Simply click on a template to select and open it in Constant Contact’s drag and drop email builder.

Creating welcome email

From here, you will design your welcome email newsletter template.

You can start by giving your campaign a proper title, this will help you identify the campaign when you need to edit or change it in the future.

Click on the ‘Untitled…’ link at the top left corner to edit it. Now enter a name for your campaign, for example, welcome email, new user signup, introduction, etc.

Campaign name

After that, you can start editing the email template. It is a drag-and-drop editor, so you can simply drag elements from the left column and drop them on the canvas. You can also point and click anywhere in the email to edit it.

Point and click to edit your welcome email

You can replace the logo with your own, add your own header image to match your branding, customize the email subject and message text to fit your needs.

Once you are satisfied with the design, click on ‘Save’ to store your email and then click the ‘Continue’ button.

The email builder will now ask you to select an email list. Go ahead and select the list you created in the earlier step. After that, fill out the physical address form.

Welcome email settings

Due to the anti-spam laws in many countries, you need to include physical address information in each newsletter email. This can be your business address or a P.O. box.

Lastly, click on the ‘Activate’ button at the top right corner of the screen to save and activate your welcome email.

Welcome email campaign set up

You have successfully set up a ‘Welcome email’ campaign. From now on, all new users joining your newsletter will receive this email upon sign up.

Some tips on writing an effective welcome email

Welcome emails have an average open rate of 50% which is higher than any other email newsletter you send.

It will be the first thing new subscribers will hear from you. This is your opportunity to impress them, so they look forward to your next email newsletter.

  • Say thanks and let your users know that you appreciate them sharing their contact information with you.
  • Next, you would want to introduce yourself, your business, and what you do. Keep it short and simple.
  • Let your users know how often you’ll email them and what kind of content and offers they should expect.
  • If you promised users an incentive to join your email list, then include that information in your welcome email.
  • The best way to introduce users to your brand is by sending them to the most useful content on your website. It helps them discover content and builds engagement.

For more tips, see this guide on how to write the perfect welcome email for new subscribers.

Step 4. Setting up Newsletter Signup Forms to Get More Subscribers

Now that you have signed up with an email marketing platform and set up your email list. It is time to start promoting it.

The easiest way to get more subscribers is by adding the newsletter sign up forms to your website. Usually, your email marketing service would have ready-made sign up forms that you can add to your website.

However, these signup forms don’t look good and sometimes don’t fit in the container where you want to place them.

Let’s take a look at how to easily add newsletter signup forms to your WordPress site. We will show you two methods, and you can choose one or both of them together.

1. Add Newsletter Signup Form Using WPForms Lite (Free)

WPForms is the best drag & drop WordPress from plugin in the market. They have a free version called WPForms lite which includes built-in support to connect with your Constant Contact account.

This allows you to use WPForms’ drag and drop form builder to create your newsletter sign up form.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WPForms Lite plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit WPForms » Settings page and click on the ‘Integrations’ tab.

WPForms integrations

You will see Constant Contact integration listed there. You need to click to expand it and then click on the ‘Add Account’ button.

This will show you the information needed to connect your Constant Contact account to WPForms. Click on the link that says ‘Click here to register with Constant Contact’.

Connect Constant Contact to WPForms

This will bring up a popup which will take you to the Constant Contact website. Click on the ‘Allow’ button to give WPForms access to your Constant Contact account.

Allow access

Next, you will see an authorization code which you need to copy.

Authorization code

Switch back to the WPForms settings page and enter the authorization code you copied earlier. You also need to provide a name for this integration.

Add authorization code

Finally, click on the ‘Connect to Constant Contact’ button.

WPForms will now connect to your Constant Contact account. You will see a ‘Connected’ label appear next to the integration.

Constant Contact connected

Now you are ready to create your newsletter sign up form using WPForms.

Simply head over to WPForms » Add New page to launch the WPForms builder interface.

Creating a newsletter sign up form

Provide a title for your form and then click on the ‘Newsletter signup form’ template.

This will load up a read-made signup form with required fields already added to the form.

Editing newsletter signup form

You can point and click to edit form fields, change fields labels, and add more fields from the left column if needed.

Once you are satisfied with the form, you need to click on the Marketing tab to integrate it with Constant Contact.

Add new connection

Click on the Constant Contact tab and then click on the ‘Add Connection’ button. You will be asked to provide a title for this connection. You can enter anything here and then click OK button.

Name your connection

Next, you will see the settings for this connection. It will automatically detect your Constant Contact account and show it under the Select Account field.

Below that you need to select the email list. Click on it to select the email list you created earlier.

Select email list and map form fields

After that, you need to map your WPForms form fields to the Constant Contact fields. Once done, you can click on the ‘Save’ button at the top to save your sign up form.

WPForms also makes it super easy to add your newsletter signup form anywhere on your website.

If you want to add the form to your website’s sidebar, then visit Appearance » Widgets page and add WPForms widget to a sidebar.

WPForms widget

Provide a title for your widget and then select the signup form you created earlier. Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button to store your settings.

You can now visit your website to see your newsletter signup form in action.

Newsletter sign up form displayed in the sidebar

You can also add sign up form to your blog posts or pages. Simply edit the post and add the WPForms block to the content area.

Adding WPForms block to blog post

After adding the block, select the newsletter signup form you created earlier and WordPress will load it inside your post. You can now save or publish your post and visit your website to see it in action.

Newsletter signup form in a WordPress post

2. Add Newsletter Signup Form Using OptinMonster (Pro)

For this method, we will be using OptinMonster, which is the best tool in the market to help you get more email subscribers, faster!

It includes dozens of high-converting signup forms like lightbox popups with exit-intent technology, 2-step optins, slide-in forms, floating bar, and more. This gives you powerful tools that you need to quickly grow your email list.

For more details, see our complete OptinMonster case study to learn how we used it to increase our email subscribers by 600%.

First, you will need to sign up for an OptinMonster account. It is a premium service and their plans start from $9 per month.

You can use our OptinMonster coupon code: WPB10 to get 10% off your purchase.

Once you have signed up for OptinMonster, you will reach your account dashboard.

Let’s create your first OptinMonster campaign. Click on the ‘Create Campaign’ button to get started.

Create campaign

Next, you will be asked to select an optin type. For the sake of this guide, we will be creating a lightbox popup signup form. Below that you need to choose a template for your campaign.

Choose optin type and template

After that, you will be asked to provide a title for your campaign and enter your website address.

Campaign settings

This will launch the OptinMonster builder interface. It is a powerful drag and drop campaign builder where you can design your optin forms.

OptinMonster builder

You can point and click to edit any item on the screen. You can also add new blocks to add different elements to your optin.

Once you are satisfied with the design, it is time to connect the OptinMonster campaign to your Constant Contact account.

Switch to the ‘Integrations’ tab from the top menu and then click on the ‘Add new integration’ button.

Adding a new integration in OptinMonster

Next, you need to select Constant Contact as your ‘Email service provider’ and then click on ‘Register with Constant Contact’ button.

This will bring up a popup where you need to click on the ‘Allow’ button.

Allow OptinMonster to access your Constant Contact account

Switch back to the OptinMonster and provide a name for this connection. After that, click on the ‘Connect to Constant Contact’ button.

Connect Constant Contact to OptinMonster

OptinMonster will now fetch your Constant Contact account details. You need to select the email list you created for your newsletter.

Select your email list

Now, we will take a look at the display rules for your campaign. Display rules allow you to choose when and where to display your campaign.

Display rules

By default, OptinMonster will show the popup to any user after 5 seconds. The popup will only appear on their first pageview and will not bother your users again during the same session.

Next, you need to switch to the Publish tab and change campaign status to Live. After that, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save’ button to store all your campaign settings.

Publish your OptinMonster campaign

Your OptinMonster campaign is now ready, let’s add it to your WordPress site.

First, you will need to install and activate the free OptinMonster plugin on your site. This plugin acts as a connector between your WordPress site and OptinMonster.

Upon activation, you need to click on the OptinMonster menu item in your WordPress admin sidebar. On the next screen, click on the ‘Connect Your Account’ button to continue.

Connect OptinMonster to WordPress

Next, you will be asked to enter your OptinMonster API key. You can find this information under your account on the OptinMonster website.

Connect to OptinMonster

After entering the API key, click on the ‘Connect to OptinMonster’ button. The plugin will now connect your website to OptinMonster.

Next, you need to switch to the ‘Campaigns’ tab. This is where all your OptinMonster campaigns will appear. If you don’t see any campaigns here, then click on the ‘Refresh campaigns’ button.

Turn on campaign on your website

Now you need to click on the ‘Go Live’ live below the campaign you just created. After that, you can visit your website in a new Incognito browser tab to view your newsletter signup popup in action.

Newsletter sign up form

OptinMonster is an incredibly powerful tool to quickly get more subscribers for your website.

Following are a few other campaign types that you can create with OptinMonster.

Step 5. Sending Your First Email Newsletter

Once you have added newsletter signup forms to your website, you will gradually start getting subscribers. After getting your initial welcome email, these new subscribers will be waiting to see what you send them next.

You are now ready to start sending newsletter emails.

Let’s create your first email campaign.

The great thing about using Constant Contact is that it comes with an incredibly easy to use email builder with tons of beautiful templates.

Creating your campaigns and sending newsletter emails is quite easy. Simply log in to your Constant Contact account and click on the Campaigns menu from the top.

Create new Constant Contact campaign

The campaigns page lists all your current, past, and automated email campaigns. Click on the create button to start a new email.

You will be asked to select a campaign type. Click to select the ‘Email’ campaign type and continue.

Select email campaign type

Next, you need to pick an email template for your newsletter. Constant Contact comes with several ready-made template for different industries, campaigns, and email types.

Choose an email template

All these email templates are fully customizable, and you can add your own logo and images to customize them. Once you edit and save a template, you will be able to use it for your future campaigns.

We recommend starting with a simple newsletter template and customizing it with your own brand logo.

Simply click on a template to select it for your email newsletter. Constant Contact will then load the email builder with your selected template.

Editing your email template

This is the same email builder that you used to create your welcome email. You can add your brand logo, point and click to add text, link, and images.

Adding your blog posts to the email newsletter

You can also fetch and add your blog posts to the newsletter. Click on the ‘More’ button in the left column and then drag and drop the ‘Read More’ block to your email.

Adding blog posts with read more link

Next, you need to click on the ‘Read more’ block to edit it. This will bring up a popup where you need to enter the link of the blog post you want to add.

Add blog post to your email

Click on the preview button to fetch a featured image and article description and then click on the Insert button. Repeat the process to add more blog posts if needed.

Once you are satisfied with your email’s design and contents, click on the ‘Continue’ button to move forward.

Continue to email settings

On the next screen, first, you need to select the email address you want to send this message. After that, review other email settings on the page.

Email settings and scheduling

Lastly, you need to select whether you want to send this email right away or schedule it to send later.

We recommend sending your emails on a fixed schedule. This helps your users anticipate the arrival of your email and sets expectations. For more on this topic, see this guide on choosing the best time to send newsletter emails.

Click on the Schedule button at the top right corner of the screen to save your email.

That’s all, you have successfully created your first newsletter email and scheduled to send it.

Need help with writing effective newsletter emails? See these tips on writing effective email newsletters.

Step 6. Tips to Get More Email Subscribers

In 2018, the number of global e-mail users amounted to 3.8 billion users.

In another study, 48% of participants said that they would like to receive email updates from their favorite brands.

This means that users prefer to get emails from their favorite businesses. Now the only question that remains is how do you get them to subscribe to your newsletter?

Luckily, email marketing has been around for a very long time. Experts are regularly experimenting, sharing, and finding new ways to grow their email lists.

Here we will share some of our own tips that are tested and proven to work.

1. Use multiple signup forms

Many beginners just add a single newsletter signup form to their website and forget about it. Add multiple signup forms to your website using a variety of placements.

Multiple signup forms

However, you need to be careful not to ruin user experience with aggressive prompts to signup.

For example, in the screenshot above, the second prompt only appears when a user scrolls down and the first signup form is no longer visible.

Social Media Examiner uses multiple sign up forms and creative strategies which has helped them get over 250,000 email subscribers (case study).

Keep experimenting with different forms and placements to find out what gets you the best results.

2. Use lead magnets to capture more subscribers

Lead Magnets are special offers used as an incentive to join your email newsletter. These special offers could be an exclusive download, an ebook, a helpful resource, discount coupon, etc.

Lead Magnets work extremely well because they offer users instant gratification and value for performing an action.

You can see a live example of lead magnets just below this article, where we offer users a free download of our ultimate WordPress toolkit as an incentive.

Lead magnet example

3. Offer Content Upgrades

Similar to lead magnets, content upgrades offer users an additional piece of content or bonus content, which they can download after signing up for your newsletter.

You can easily add content upgrades to your existing content. This can be a checklist, a PDF download of the article, a case study, a research report, and more.

Content upgrade example

For more details, see our guide on how to add content upgrades in WordPress.

4. Use social media to grow your email list

Promoting newsletter on social media

Your website is not the only place to promote your newsletter and find new subscribers. Social media platforms can be another place to convert followers into email subscribers.

For detailed tips, see our guide on how to use social media to grow your email list

Need even more tips? Check out the following email marketing guides:

Step 7. How to Make Money from Email Newsletter

One of the popular sayings among digital marketers is that “The money is in the list”. Every dollar you spend on email marketing has a return average of $32 dollars.

As your subscriber count grows, you would want to explore opportunities to monetize your email newsletter.

Following are just some of the easiest ways to make money from your email newsletter.

1. Sell your products

Sell your own products

First, you would obviously want to use your email list to sell your own products. You can use your email list to send special offers and discount deals exclusive to your subscribers.

You can also bring them back to your website by adding calls to action, offer members-only content, demo, and free samples.

When trying to sell your own products, keep the ‘Value Value Value Pitch’ formula in your mind.

It basically suggests that you should offer three times more value than your sales pitch. Most marketers agree that such emails work better than those that are nothing more than a plain sales pitch.

2. Upsell products and services

Upselling is a sales technique to persuade customers into buying something additional like an upgrade or add-on. As your email list grows, you can send personalized offers to existing customers.

Upselling through email

Due to its highly targeted messaging and personalized offers, upsell emails tend to perform way better. This may lead many businesses to send more such emails.

You need to remember that your emails should offer value first, otherwise those emails would soon become annoying.

3. Affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a referral program where an online retailer (advertiser) pays you a commission when users purchase their product using your referral link.

You can find products and services that might interest your users and add affiliate links, reviews, and coupons in your newsletter emails.

To get started, see our beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing.

4. Advertisement or renting out your email list

If your email list grows quickly, then you can make money by renting your email list.

You see, a lot of folks don’t realize the potential of email marketing until they realize that they could benefit immensely from an email list.

Lucky for you, they are now looking for someone who may already have a list of people interested in specific products, services, or industry.

You can approach such advertisers directly, or you can find email list brokers like Info USA, List Giant, or Mailing List Direct.

Step 8. Keep Your Newsletter Emails Out of Spam

How to make avoid ending up in spam

In 2012, 90% of all emails were spam. This number was reduced to 58% by the end of 2018.

The main reason for this decline was the improved spam detection and prevention technologies used by email marketing tools.

This is great news for all users and businesses. However, the AI-powered spam detection technologies are quite sensitive and can wrongfully mark your email messages as spam.

Following are the most common reasons for newsletter emails to end up in spam:

1. You didn’t use double opt-in

Basically, all email marketing services including Constant Contact require users’ consent for sending them emails. This is done by the user verifying their email address after signing up.

However, they also allow you to manually add email addresses. If you misuse this feature and add email addresses from random sources, then your messages will end up in spam.

2. Sender email address was used for spam

If your sender email address was used to send spam or malware, then your email campaigns with the same sender address will end up in spam. This is why you need to get a business email address to ensure high deliverability for your newsletter emails.

3. Misleading subject lines

Misleading email subjects are annoying and due to many users reporting such emails, spam algorithms can now identify many such lines and mark them spam.

Following are a couple of examples of common misleading subject lines.

  • Urgent: Update your information
  • Thanks for your order!
  • You have won a prize

Need some good examples? See these 160+ excellent email subject lines for inspiration.

4. Your email must have accurate information

The anti-spam laws in many countries require the sender to provide accurate from address (sender email address), complete physical address, and an unsubscribe link in the email message.

If any of these are missing from your newsletter email, then it would most likely end up in spam.

Basically, you need to follow the rules and guidelines provided by your email marketing software and you’ll be able to avoid the spam folder.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily create an email newsletter. You may also want to see our article on how to get a free business email address to send your newsletter emails.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create an Email Newsletter the RIGHT WAY (Step by Step) appeared first on WPBeginner.