A Rust Controller for Kubernetes

To teach myself Kubernetes in general and controllers in particular, I previously developed one in Java. This week, I decided to do the same in Rust by following the same steps I did.

  1. My First Cup of Rust
  2. My Second Cup of Rust
  3. The Rustlings Exercises - Part 1
  4. The Rustlings Exercises - Part 2
  5. Rust on the Front-End
  6. A Rust Controller for Kubernetes (this post)

The Guiding Principle

The guiding principle is creating a Kubernetes controller that watches pods' lifecycle and injects a sidecar into them. When Kubernetes schedules the pod, the controller schedules the sidecar; when it deletes the former, it deletes the latter as well.

How to Refactor Big Alloy Controllers

At first, you got a nicely structured Alloy controller, but as you go on, new features keep getting added, and slowly but surely you end up with a monster. Your XML file might still look okay, but your controller file starts getting hundreds of lines and the end is not in sight. Sound familiar?

How do you restructure such a mess into a well-structured file again without rewriting the entire thing? It is easier than you might think.

Reusing a Controller Method for Multiple Actions in Laravel

Hi all, this is Adi with another Laravel tutorial. This time, I wanted to cover my basic solution to a problem we might all have when building web apps using only blade templates.

Let’s take this example scenario and explore possible solutions. We have an index method on, let’s say UsersController, which lists all the users from our database. Each user has a Subscription and we want to change their subscription. How would you go about doing this with pure blade templates?

Spring Data-LDAP: Part 2

Now, since we have plugged in the LDAP information, it is time to stitch it with Spring Security. The easiest thing to do is:

@EnableWebSecurity(debug = true)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSecurityConfig.class);

    private LdapContextSource ldapContextSource;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {