Your dev team lead is not controlling enough

Three phases of a controlling engineering manager

Every morning, I see the unfiltered thoughts of 1200+ engineering leaders as one of the community moderators in the Dev Interrupted Discord server. We start every day with a Daily Interruption topic about how to make agile work in real life; scaling teams, building culture, hiring, continuous improvement, metrics - fun stuff like that. 

Recently this Daily Interruption popped up and stopped me in my tracks:

When Scaling Agile Is Not the Answer

Scaling may seem like the obvious choice, but when it comes to Agile, not so fast.

At the Influential Agile Leader workshop earlier this year, I led a session about scaling, and how it might not be the answer. My experience is that when people use frameworks for larger efforts, they experience these unexpected side effects:

  • The framework actions often require more manager-type people to control the actions of others.
  • The framework creates less throughput, not more.
Agile Scaling Frameworks: An Executive Summary

One of the participants asked, "But what if we have to scale?"

Re-Imagine Your Scrum to Firm up Your Agility

Happy workers come from true agility.

Many of today's enterprises are hardly fit to play a leading role in today's world. They are designed on the past-world premises of stability and high predictability, of repetitive work with easily scalable results. They experience profound difficulties having to navigate the predominantly uncertain and unpredictable seas of today's world.

An increase in agility is needed. They adopt Scrum. But rather than updating their past-world structures while introducing Scrum, they twist Scrum to fit their current organization. An illusion of agility is created as a result.

4 Paradoxes in Agile (and Life)

A paradox is something that is seemingly absurd but really true. When I experience complexity and uncertainty, I find comfort and power in paradox. It opens up creativity, possibility, and collaboration. Let's take a look at four paradoxes we need to navigate in the agile world and beyond.

Agile Paradox #1: You Have No Control, and You Always Have Control

Agility is about accepting that the work is complex and unpredictable and committing to working in a way that honors the truth of this. In Scrum, we take an empirical approach to minimize risk and enable informed decisions along the way.