Getting Started With CI/CD Pipeline Security

The increasingly distributed nature of CI/CD frameworks has made organizations more vulnerable to attacks, which can range from threats to supply chains and servers to exploitations of the application code itself. In this Refcard, you'll learn about the primary focus areas of CI/CD pipeline security, review common pipeline threats and security challenges, as well as walk through seven steps to get started with securing your pipelines.

Essential Role of EDR in Safeguarding DevOps Network

Today, as we see, the success of DevOps depends on both the cultural shift around like-minded people and the relevant process, as well as the technical implementation skills of the team across both Dev and Ops. DevOps has evolved as one of the most popular software development approaches in recent years. Every software professional in build and release engineering will probably have a strong desire to become a DevOps expert. Nevertheless, DevOps has created a good amount of influence on the mindsets and technology landscapes of software organizations to build cloud compatible amenities in a highly competitive market environment.

With DevOps in place, we can clearly see automation has become a more critical element than software development cycles with the introduction of languages like Python and Go languages. Even addressing legacy issues like updates, fixes, and patches to software application services gas become quite flexible easy with the help of DevOps tools.

Cybersecurity’s Emerging DevOps Challenge in 2020

Without properly shifting left, security will be left in the lurch.

As cloud technologies evolve and businesses jostle to become Agile, it’s time for cybersecurity to join the evolutionary race. Virtualization enabled physical data centers to transform, and cloud-based operating systems and application infrastructures served as the foundation for developers to access software resources without the headache of managing infrastructure.

However, cybersecurity has yet to take the bold step forward in line with the rest of the IT world. Security teams are expected to fight barehanded against hackers and malicious actors. Their traditional weapons such as firewalls, IPs, and host-based security tools are obsolete in the cloud, and cloud security tools that are meant to replace them are largely ineffectual.

DevOps Table Stakes: The Minimum Amount Required to Play the Game

Ever play poker? Table stakes, or the ante, is the minimum amount to play the game. So let's take a look today at DevOps table stakes — what's necessary to even come to the table and play the game these days.

The idea here is to get you to think a little differently about your approach to DevOps and DevSecOps.