Being Open-Minded Is the Key to Scrum

With an open-mind, anything is possible. Even Scrum.
Photo credit by Unsplash/Artem Beliaikin

As a Scrum Master, I know that encouraging the development team, product owner, and organization in the adoption of Scrum is anything but not easy. It takes time (a lot of it) and patience.

And during that long journey, it's vitally important that the Scrum Master never stops improving. In fact, it's this commitment to continuous learning that helps me perform my responsibilities and enables my team to maximize the values of Scrum.

Software Developers: Create and Sell Your Own Online Courses

You can help yourself and many, many others by creating and selling your own software courses online.

I often receive queries about whether programmers should create an alternative source of income, or perhaps create their own blog or website.

Both are very important questions, and there was a time when I would have advised programmers to create their own blog, not just to learn and improve their understanding of the technology they know, but also to earn money while doing the things they love.

Udacity and Google Introduce New (and Free) TensorFlow Course for Deep Learning

When HackerRank released its Student Developer Report last year, there probably weren’t too many devs out there surprised by the fact that more than half of all developers are largely self-taught, with almost 30 percent being entirely so. As the report explains, “computer science programs lag behind the pace at which technology evolves, [so] for skills that are growing in the industry today, students have to rely on self-teaching to learn.”

And as this piece from CIO explains, machine learning skills are among the most coveted by today’s tech companies. Unfortunately, however, “demand continues to outpace the supply of qualified talent for these emerging skills.”