Get Started With Bloomreach Headless Experience Manager (Part 1)

Bloomreach Headless Experience Manager is a headless content management system with the APIs and flexibility to power any front end while retaining powerful personalization and authoring capabilities.

This guide helps new developers get started with the platform. With a step-by-step series of milestones, you’ll learn the first steps of developing websites using Headless Experience Manager:

New Cloud Services Are Foundational to Gaining Control Over Content

My next-door neighbor has a two-car garage and a large shed in the backyard. In the over twenty years we have lived next door, they have yet to park a single car in their garage. The garage is overflowing with all manner of yard equipment, winter tires, retired exercise equipment, and the odd piece of furniture. The shed is also packed. They own a snowblower, yet I often lend them ours because they can’t access their own. Unfortunately, many organizations handle file management in a similar fashion to my neighbor. 

Most corporate file shares are overflowing with files long ago abandoned. Most peg the amount of ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) files to be at least 80% of the total under management. A good number of these were obsolete days after being created; over 95% within 90 days. Finding specific files, or finding files containing certain information becomes complex, as they tend to be spread out in various islands of storage. Some are on personal devices, some exist in on-prem file shares, while others are in Google Drive, Dropbox, or personal OneDrives. 

The “Mic Drop” On Fast File Migration Speed

How Long Does a File Migration Last Anyways?

Fast Cloud File Migration and Throughput

I have been manning conference booths and speaking at technical conferences for over a decade, usually covering the topic of migration in some shape or form. Recently, I attended a technical conference in Las Vegas, for instance. Typical stuff: giant marketing cloths behind me making wild claims of ridiculously fast cloud file migration – a file migration speed of up to 60TB per day.

Surely this is the work of some funny-math executed by a sales VP and then begrudgingly incorporated into a booth banner by some young, inexperienced marketing person. Except that it’s not, and we don’t do inexperienced!

How to Approach Data Migration in 3 Stages

Moving data from one system to another can be a complex process. In this post, we have broken down how to approach data migration in 3 stages:

  • Before you migrate
  • Ready to migrate
  • Once you’ve migrated

Your requirements will take into consideration:

How to Install CMS Made Simple v2.2 on LAMP in CentOS 7.3

CMS Made Simple is an open source and free content management system (CMS). It is user friendly and highly expandable and easy to integrate with ease of design and powerful addons and plugins.

In CMS Made Simple, you can arrange pages or reorder them by just using the add and drop feature. CMS Made Simple is one of the best options either you are developer, designer or end-user. If you are an end-user or editor, you don’t need to worry about its look, just edit and update your website’s content easily. You can edit content with a simple editor provided in CMS Made Simple.

The Future of Content is Video

Great presentation by Amy Balliet, CEO and Founder of Killer Infographics at Cloudinary InfoCon. While the title of Amy's presentation was, "The Future of Content is Visual," it became clear as her presentation progressed in conjunction with the rest of the content presented at the Cloudinary user conference that the future of content is video.

Visual Content is King

Visual content helps businesses grow revenue 49% faster (Aberdeen). Audiences only read 20% of a 600-word webpage (Venngage). 91% of audiences prefer visual content over traditional formats (DemandGen). While visuals communicate information 60,000 times faster than words (SAGE Handbook of Political Communications).