Containers are Here to Stay

Containers are not a fad. They’re never overkill for any project and they simplify many aspects of development, even when running locally. With a wide selection of relevant tools and resources, there has never been a better time than now to implement containers in your organization and get ahead of the curve.

What Are Containers?

Containers are portable, self-sufficient, standardized units that store all code, assets, and dependencies of a program. They can be shared and run on virtually any hardware. Containerization has been around for years, although it has recently been gaining more traction with the advent of Docker. Many organizations are recognizing the value of managing their code in a simplified, shareable, and maintainable way. What does this mean for you and your organization?

Kubernetes: Benefits of Microservices Architecture for Large Enterprises

Find out more about the benefits of microservices architecture.

Kubernetes is increasingly becoming the de-facto standard with more software and applications workloads moving into containers. Kubernetes has captured the cloud market by storm through the implementation of strong infrastructure development. It makes deploying and managing the app easier and improves reliability and reduces the time you need to spend on DevOps.

According to Gartner's report, by 2022 more than 75% of organizations globally will be running containerized applications.

Docker Explained – An Introductory Guide To Docker

Say hello to Docker.

Docker has gained immense popularity in this fast-growing IT world. Organizations are continuously adopting Docker in their production environment. I take this opportunity to explain Docker in the most simple way. In this blog, the following Docker concepts will be covered: