Kubernetes Security Essentials

Covering the essentials of security in Kubernetes environments, this Refcard addresses the three primary areas of attack within a Kubernetes cluster. Security concepts range from the software supply chain — images, build systems, and container registry security — to Kubernetes infrastructure, as well as deploy-time and runtime security. Key examples like threat vectors, security measures, and vulnerability and violation types within each section will help you continue strengthening your Kubernetes environment security as you automate and scale the deployment and management of your cloud-native applications.

Kubernetes Is Deprecating Docker Support and Why We Shouldn’t Worry That Much

Starting with Kubernetes 1.20, released on December 8th, developers have received a warning that Kubernetes is deprecating Docker. This means that Kubernetes officially ceases to support the Docker tech stack, as you can already see in the release notes on GitHub.

The news wasn’t a big surprise. The Kubernetes development team had been planning and preparing this step for three years, so it was only a matter of time. Since Kubernetes was originally developed to orchestrate Docker containers, many Kubernetes users probably didn’t like this.

Getting Started With Container Registries

Container registries serve as libraries to store and access third-party container images required during the build phase of the SDLC and the images produced for deployment to test, staging, and production environments. While public container registries are accessible and convenient, private registries can better integrate into existing CI/CD workflows, offer greater control over access and security, as well as help ensure build repeatability and reliability. This Refcard covers key container concepts and terminology; common use cases; and guidelines for container registry configuration, operation, security, and storage.

Build and Push a Container Image from Source Code With S2I

Create an image right from your source code with this tool.

Recently, while drafting an OpenShift solution tutorial, I explored an interesting tool called S2I (Source-to-Image). In this post, you will learn how to create a container image directly from your source code and push the generated container image to a private IBM Cloud Container registry.

You may also enjoy:  How to Create a Builder Image With S2I 

What is S2I (Source-to-Image)?

S2I is a tool for building reproducible, Docker-formatted container images. It produces ready-to-run images by injecting application source into a container image and assembling a new image. The new image incorporates the base image (the builder) and built source and is ready to use with the docker run   command. S2I supports incremental builds, which reuses previously downloaded dependencies, previously built artifacts, etc.