Introduce GitOps Across Any Infrastructure Without Adding Complexity

GitOps is quickly gaining popularity as a continuous deployment solution, offering full application and infrastructure management through a Git-based workflow. But on this road to (workflow) riches, organizations quickly encounter two hurdles impeding their GitOps adoption.

First, available GitOps tooling is overwhelmingly Kubernetes-centric. Aside from born-in-the-cloud companies, most organizations rely on a mix of technologies from on-prem and cloud VMs to Kubernetes. Using GitOps to define and deploy applications on Linux VMs is far different from doing so with Kubernetes, burdening developers with the complexity of managing those multiple pipelines. Second, no matter what infrastructure developers deploy applications to, GitOps lacks a centralized portal to help monitor and support those applications. 

Use Ketch to Deploy Apps on Kubernetes Without YAML

Ketch, a relatively new open source project from application-as-code platform Shipa, offers a simple command-line interface that developers can use to deploy and manage applications on any Kubernetes cluster without writing YAML configuration files.

Kubernetes is the ubiquitous standard for orchestrating containerized and microservices-based applications. However, operating Kubernetes requires developers to overcome a rather steep learning curve. Running Kubernetes successfully means gaining expertise in Kubernetes concepts, objects, and how to write and manage YAML files. Ketch eliminates much of that complexity by deploying applications directly to Kubernetes clusters, rendering YAML files unnecessary and easing entry for developers.

Kubernetes Cluster Automated Upgrade in Jelastic PaaS

Flexibility, accelerated development and delivery, improved scalability and high availability are the main reasons companies are adopting Kubernetes (K8s) technology. But managing and keeping the system up to date can be so complex for organizations that they need to hire a separate department just to handle everything properly.

With Jelastic’s Kubernetes automation you can improve DevOps productivity and focus on your business aims rather than fighting infrastructure complexity. In this article, we will cover how to streamline the Kubernetes cluster lifecycle via delivering upgrades automatically.

Containerizing SpringBoot Application With Jib

In this article, we will learn how to create Docker or OCI complaint images without installing a Docker client or using Dockerfile for our SpringBoot application. We will be doing all of this with the help of Jib.

What Is Jib?

Jib is a Java containerizer from Google that lets Java developers build containers using build tools like Maven, Gradle, etc.

Docker How-to: Custom Authentication to A Private Docker Registry With NGINX, Lua, and AWS ECR


Our engineering team developed a Docker Container for our application, Kloudless Enterprise, to simplify cluster using industry standard tools like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.

However, our customers found downloading the container from our web portal was somewhat inconvenient. Users previously had to download the archived image and manually load it into their Docker daemon to use it. There also wasn’t a way to check which images were available without visiting the portal through a browser. To improve the experience, we decided to provide a private Docker Registry that would allow our users to not only pull images, but also query tags and take advantage of other useful features that the Docker Registry provides.