CES 2020: A Shift From the Quantified Self to the Medical Self?

Find out more about the switch to the Medical Self.

When you look at consumer health tech, you see a lot of ideas that fit more into the murky wellness category over medical. The reality is that device FDA approval or clearance is a complex process including over 1700 types of devices.

The regulation process can last up to 18 months and this is after a company has completed rigorous medical trials, There's even now startups such as Enzyme to guide startups through the regulatory and compliance lifecycle.

The Best Consumer IoT of 2018

With more and more devices becoming connected, it can be hard to get excited about consumer IoT. From toothbrushes to thermometers, kettles, and shoes, adding sensors and app and other functionalities to your products is the norm and no longer the novelty. Voice activation is augmenting app-enabled functionalities and it's likely with we'll see an increase in voice and haptic tech in 2019. Here are some of the products that caught my attention in 2018:

The Kids' Product That you Really Want for Yourself: Hive Explorer

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