Spring Boot With Kafka Communication

In this article, we will be looking into how we can publish and subscribe to a Kafka topic. 


Kafka over the years has gained a lot in popularity for its high throughput and real-time asynchronous messaging. It's considered a de facto standard for streaming of events and provides fault-tolerant storage that is stable, reliable, and scalable.

Top 5 Virtual and Augmented Reality Trends to Watch Out for in 2019

Virtual reality and augmented reality, along with AI and automation, are transforming the lives of people both at home and in the workplace.

VR, which is all about offering humans a completely computerized, digital world, and AR technology, which is about building computer graphics that can be viewed in a normal environment, have now been used and adapted at the industry level as well as for entertainment purposes. For example, in an online business, such as one selling furniture, the AR application helps shoppers visualize how a particular piece of furniture will look in their living room without having to actually buy it or go into a store.

Apache Flink With Kafka – Consumer and Producer


Apache Flink provides various connectors to integrate with other systems. In this article, I will share an example of consuming records from Kafka through FlinkKafkaConsumer and producing records to Kafka using FlinkKafkaProducer.


I installed Kafka locally and created two Topics, TOPIC-IN and TOPIC-OUT