12 Factor App Principles and Cloud-Native Microservices

12 Factor App Principles and Cloud-Native Microservices

A 12-factor app is a methodology or set of principles for building scalable and performant, independent, and most resilient enterprise applications. It establishes the general principles and guidelines for creating robust enterprise applications. 12-factor app principles got very popular as it aligns with Microservice principles.

Below are the 12-factor principles

Jenkins: Changing the Jenkins Home Directory

Home is where the configurations are.

What Is the Jenkins Home Directory?

The Jenkins home directory contains all the details of your Jenkins server configuration, details that you configure in the Manage Jenkins screen. These configuration details are stored in the form of a set of XML files. Much of the core configuration is stored in the config.xml file.

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The Jenkins home directory contains a subdirectory for each Jenkins build job being managed by this instance of Jenkins. Each job directory, in turn, contains two subdirectories, builds and workspace, along with some other files. It contains the build job config.xml file, which contains, as you might expect, the configuration details for this build job.