Spring Boot Configuration: Overriding Built-In Configuration

Learn more about overriding built-in Spring Boot configurations.

The Context and Dependency Injection is one of the main features in Java frameworks and APIs. Spring Boot supports configuration in an intuitive way. In this article, we will tackle configuration in Spring Boot by overriding the existing configuration.

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To make a configuration in Spring Boot, you need to create a class and annotate it with @Configuration. Usually, in the configuration class, you can define a beans object. But if you want to override built-in configuration, you need to create a new class that extends the built-in class. This includes built-in configurations like security, templating, etc.

The Mindset Required to Treat the Network as Code

Changing the way you network requires you to change the way you think.

In order to accelerate automation, network operators need to change the way they think about managing the network and incorporate DevOps practices. By adopting modern agile processes, the benefits of treating Network Infrastructure as Code becomes more attainable. That being said, network as code initiatives require a mindset shift to enable success. Below are five essential concepts that serve as building blocks.

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Remove Humans From Network Device CLI

Transformational thinking is required when discussing network and software principles in conjunction. Questions such as, “What does each line or block of configuration mean to a network device?” and “How does it get managed and applied to the network device?” arise and require answers. However, if network engineers are still leveraging CLI to manage device configurations, there's no easy migration to the network being treated as code. Software code is stored in repositories (not template files) which allows developers to apply robust pipelines and processes in order to solidify deployment and reduce errors while increasing frequency. As a result, to move towards Network Infrastructure as Code, device configurations cannot be managed via templates, but rather in source code repositories.

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I recently set up a new WordPress-based website and local Docker-based development environment. This post documents what I did so that I can do it again next time! As I'm not in the WordPress world, many things are strange to me and I'm indebted to Jenny Wong for pointing me in the right direction on numerous occasions and being very patient with my questions! Thanks Jenny!

Project Organization

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How to Connect PostgreSQL With Java Application

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source SQL database with the object-relational structure and numerous robust features to ensure excellent performance and reliability. In this tutorial, we’ll show how to connect PostgreSQL database with Java application hosted with Jelastic PaaS.

1. Log into Jelastic dashboard, create New Environment with the Java application server and the PostgreSQL database.

How to Debug Your Logstash Configuration File

Logstash plays an extremely important role in any ELK-based data pipeline but is still considered as one of the main pain points in the stack. Like any piece of software, Logstash has a lot of nooks and crannies that need to be mastered to be able to log with confidence.

One super-important nook and cranny is the Logstash configuration file (not the software’s configuration file (/etc/logstash/logstash.yml) but the .conf file responsible for your data pipeline). How successful you are at running Logstash is directly determined from how well versed you are at working with this file and how skilled you are at debugging issues that may occur if misconfiguring it.