Privacy and Confidentiality in Security Testing

Privacy and confidentiality are two commonly used terms that appear together when we talk about personal information, its security, and how to protect it from compromise. But there is often confusion about the differences between the two.

What Is Healthcare Data Security and What Does QA Testing Have To Do With Privacy and Confidentiality?

Let’s look at it from a real-life perspective where the privacy of a person is crucial as well as confidentiality. 

The Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Adoption of the IoT by businesses and enterprises has made mobile banking, online shopping, and social networking possible. While it has opened up a lot of opportunities for us, its not altogether a safe place because its anonymity also harbors cybercriminals. So, to protect yourself against the cyber threats of today, you must have a solid understanding of cybersecurity. This article will help you get a grip on cybersecurity fundamentals.

Let’s take a look at the topics covered in this cybersecurity fundamentals article: