Composite Requests in Salesforce Are a Great Idea

Of all the development eras I’ve witnessed in my 30+ years building apps and features, the RESTful API design pattern is my favorite. Prior to the RESTful approach, I always felt like something was missing when developing web applications.

My concerns were put to rest when I attended the Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit in 2008. Most notably, a session called “SOAP v REST” was not only informative and funny, but it opened my eyes. I walked away with a desire to understand more about RESTful APIs and soon started experimenting with this new design pattern during my personal time.

Composite Design Pattern in Java

Here I am with another useful design pattern for you — the composite design pattern. I will try to point out the key features to remember while implementing the composite pattern for you.

Composite Design Pattern

The composite pattern is meant to "compose objects into a tree structure to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly"