Data Regulations: HIPAA vs. GDPR vs. PCI

Today we're here to talk about data regulations and data compliance solutions. Why does all of this matter?

When it comes to online applications, protecting your users' data is one of your most pressing concerns. First of all, it's the right, ethical thing to do. Secondly, data leakages lead to serious reputation damage that you certainly don't want your organization to suffer. Last but not least, failing to protect users' data can lead to dire financial and legal consequences. You've heard of GDPR, right?

Achieving Cloud-Native Security and Compliance With Teleport

Security is the most critical aspect for any IT solutions and with the ever-increasing adoption of cloud-native technologies, the need for Zero Trust Architecture is irrefutable as:

  • The traditional networking approach is not effective enough to provide full security to cloud-native applications.
  • With cloud offerings being heavily getting used going forward, security policies around the application need to be scalable as well.
  • With more emphasis on loosely coupled microservice-based applications, chances of vulnerabilities getting introduced also increases.
  • People are using multiple clouds to take advantage of the offerings.
  • On-premise to the cloud and another way around connectivity is a reality.
  • Devices that span beyond traditional data centres & cloud are increasingly being used to provide connectivity to remote sites.

To sum up, it means there is no "real network boundary" anymore, and hence we need to have a way in which we don't trust anyone. Traditionally it was assumed that communication between entities inside the same data centre is secure; whereas with zero trusts, we don't even assume that. So, it has become a mandate to have a zero-trust security framework around your cloud-native applications.

How COVID-19 Affects Information Archiving

At the time of writing this text, in early April 2020, there were 1,348,628 people infected with COVID-19 worldwide, 367,758 across the States. A month later, the figure stands at 4.18 million cases of infection and 1.37 million cases in the US.

It’s been a little over three months since the WHO declared COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. In the meantime, the virus has managed to spread across the globe, taking lives, jobs, and families apart.