Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding in Java

Polymorphism is an Object-Oriented-Programming concept. Whether you are new to Java programming or a person who has worked with Java for years, you should know what polymorphism is in Java and how it works. Most developers claim that they know the topic well but when it comes to other complex features like static and dynamic binding, they seem underconfident. A good understanding of polymorphism allows us to build efficient object-oriented programs.

What Is Polymorphism in Java?

Polymorphism is composed of two words:        

Microservices With Undertow: Dependency Injection

Watch out for the Undertow!

The previous article introduced Undertow and how its handler and thread pool system works. To create a full production quality microservice, we need to go above and beyond writing simple HTTP handlers. Most microservice frameworks use some kind of dependency injection and this article aims to introduce readers on how to address that need.