Comparing Free vs. Self-Hosted

Choosing between a free WordPress blog and a self-hosted WordPress blog ultimately depends on your goals and needs as an Internet marketer. While the free version may be easier to set up and manage, it lacks the flexibility and control that a self-hosted blog offers. Comparison: Free Vs. Self-Hosting WordPress Blog When it comes to […]

Comparing The Top WordPress SEO Plugins

WordPress SEO Plugins

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that efficiently controls the contents without any technical background. However, this is a multi-functioned key to open all the doors for you. If you want that people find your content easily, deep research and knowledge about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary. Self-hosted WordPress blogs are probably […]

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WooCommerce Vs Magento Vs Shopify – Which One Is the Best?

2020 is now in full swing and the debate for which eCommerce platform is the best suited to users is heating up. Why wouldn’t it be? With traditional businesses facing significant problems of their own due to the pandemic, many are now shifting towards eCommerce as a viable option. But businesses trying to embrace eCommerce […]

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4 Different Types of Landing Pages and How to Use Them

Most successful businesses create landing pages that are designed specifically for conversion and making a good first impression on customers. Landing pages are a significant aspect of your website, and if you create your pages correctly, you can increase conversions by up to 300%. However, there are many different types of landing pages and all […]

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Vue vs. Angular Comparison – What Framework to Choose?

Selecting a front-end framework can be a trickier and more time-consuming process than you might think. In today’s article, we’re going to quickly compare a couple of JavaScript frameworks, that is, Vue vs. Angular. Let’s look at their history, job market, and learning curve, and other characteristics that will help us determine the winner. After […]

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Free Vs. Paid WordPress Themes: Which Option Should You Go For?

One of the most crucial decisions you probably have to make before launching a new website is which theme you should go for. Though there are countless fantastic WordPress themes, the real confusion that builds up here is whether to choose a free or paid theme. Premium or paid WordPress themes tend to lure visitors […]

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Duda vs WordPress: Which Is Better for Agencies Building Websites at Scale?

Web design agencies often find themselves stuck in a cost-benefit paradox when it comes to excellence. You can only attract a growing roster of lucrative accounts if your team continues to re-earn a reputation for design perfectionism, which generally requires significant time investment per project. And yet, you’ll never be able to widen your agency’s […]

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Comparison of 10 Best Web Hosting Providers 2019

Dear Newcomers! Confused about choosing the home for your website? Don’t Worry! You have landed at the right platform where comparison of WordPress Hosting Providers is available. For the smooth running of any Website, Web Hosting Provider plays a key role. Selection of the Hosting provider is one of the Important things one should take Read More →

The post Comparison of 10 Best Web Hosting Providers 2019 appeared first on WPArena.

Gutenberg vs. Elementor: Choosing One Is Actually A Tough Call!

It isn’t very unusual to see developers having sorts of debates and discussions on the emerging tech topics, but the moment things go beyond developer discussion and dive into the mainstream where you and I hear them, they quickly get listed in controversial issues. Well, today’s topic is how the dawn of WordPress 5.0 featuring Read More →

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