Comparison of MS SQL Server Data Modeling Tools: Data Types

Comparison of MS SQL Server Data Modeling Tools

This table lists the most widely used data modeling tools currently in use. Tools are compared to Microsoft SQL Server (MSS) supported type. Note that the comparison concerns the support of the 2016 and 2017 SSM version.

  Dezign for Databases 10.0.2


How Cloud Has Impacted The Centralization vs. Decentralization Of IT

How cloud affects IT infrastructures

Every week, we find ourselves having a conversation about cost optimization with a wide variety of enterprises. In larger companies, we often talk to folks in the business unit that most people traditionally refer to as Information Technology (IT). These meetings usually include discussions about the centralization vs decentralization of IT and oftentimes they don’t realize it, as we are discussing cloud and how it’s built, run and managed in the organization.

Centralized IT

Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing: 3 Differences That Matter

The three distinct flavors of cloud computing.

Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way businesses work, and the industry has seen a massive shift from on-premise software to cloud computing. IoT has sprawled across several industries catering to consumers at a global level.

From smart voice assistants to smart homes, brands are expanding their range of services and experimenting with different ideas to enhance the customer experience. Data on customer behavior is now collected through diverse and innovative ways.

Kubernetes vs. Docker: Comparing The Two Container Orchestration Giants!

Who will be the winner this time?

Kubernetes and Docker Swarm are leading container orchestration tools today. So before using them in your prod, you should know what exactly they are and how they work. To understand the very same, read this blog which talks about the performance and usability face-off between Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm.

You may also enjoy:  Kubernetes vs. Docker

The differences between Kubernetes versus Docker Swarm are briefly summarized in the below table. A detailed explanation is provided later in the blog.

Azure Logic Apps vs. Microsoft Flow

Which would you choose? Or should you be choosing at all?


These days, you can’t go to a Microsoft conference where the question of “What is the difference between Microsoft Flow and Azure Logic Apps?” isn’t asked. For many people, they think the answer is binary; you need to use one or the other. While people have preferences, and perhaps even biases, it is important not to rule the other technology out, as you are likely missing out on opportunities for your organization.

You may also enjoy:  When to Use Logic Apps and Azure Functions


When Microsoft has answered the Azure Logic Apps vs. Microsoft Flow question in the past, personas generally played a role in deriving an answer. When it comes to “Power users” or even “Citizen Developers,” Microsoft Flow is generally identified as the tool of choice, in part due to it being the targeted audience for why the tool was created.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Software Deployment – What’s Right for You?

In the modern world of enterprise IT, cloud computing has become an indispensable tool for the integration of outside services through remote servers handling requests and responses for the data that drives our lives. However, not too long ago, integrating with third-party services meant housing servers on-site and maintaining those connections yourself. This is referred to as On-Premise (on-prem) and is still a viable means for integrating the data that contributes to your application’s functionality.

Unsurprisingly, there are benefits and drawbacks to both means of integrating software and services into your codebase. In the following article, we’ll discuss some of the pros and cons to both cloud and on-prem, and try to give you a better idea of what you should look for when building out your application.

Microsoft Azure vs. Amazon Web Services: A Cloud Platform Comparison

According to Gartner, “Cloud computing is projected to grow as a $300 billion business by 2021 and will account for nearly a quarter of all IT budgets.” Companies, regardless of their domain or size, are flocking towards cloud services in order to improve their operational efficiency, increase data security and generate new streams of revenue. Adopting cloud computing gives businesses a great option to access their data from anywhere anytime.

Making a transition to the cloud is an expensive and crucial decision which requires thorough research and planning. Enterprises often feel enormous pressure while choosing a cloud service provider (CSP) to meet their business needs. There are two players that have emerged as the most popular choices in the aggressive cloud platform wars — Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Even though these two cloud service providers have much in common and offer a similar set of services, they do differ in several aspects. So, let’s explore the basic features of both the computing platforms and the key differences between them.

Kops vs. EKS: A Comparison Guide

It is fairly safe to say that Kubernetes is now the go-to solution when it comes to deploying containerized apps. EKS simplifies the creation of a secure and capable K8s environment on the Amazon Web Services platform and makes deploying clusters there that much easier. We’ve covered EKS on several occasions previously here and here to read more. As discussed previously, EKS does have its limitations, but the service is very easy to use, even when you are not a server administrator.

However, EKS and similar services are not the only way you can set up a production-grade K8s environment. Kops, or Kubernetes Operations, has been around for a while, offering CLI tools that make creating and managing Kubernetes installations easy. Kops is designed for those who want complete control over their Kubernetes environment but without the usual headaches.

Kubernetes vs OpenShift: What Is the Difference?

Containerization is the new buzz word for developing and deploying apps since they are an efficient way to accelerate development. Container usage has grown exponentially in the last years.

However, managing containers across the infrastructure can become such a complex task that a container management platform is an essential vehicle for any organization. Kubernetes and OpenShift are two of the most popular container management platforms in the market. What makes it interesting is that OpenShift is based on Kubernetes. Read on to learn more about their features and differences.

”Docker Swarm or Kubernetes?”: Is It the Right Question to Ask?

First, let’s go to Google trends and see the trend for both the terms "Kubernetes" and "Docker Swarm." What do we see? Clearly, we could see that Kubernetes is beating Docker Swarm. But, is that a valid proof to say Kuberneytes is winning? No way.

Of course, the search volume and trend for "Kubernetes" might be higher, but still, this alone doesn’t prove that Docker Swarm is dead.

Updated Analytics and Big Data Comparison: AWS Vs. Azure

Building upon my earlier post, today, I wanted to share with you updated graphics and links for the analytic and big data services offered by Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

It is my hope that this post will be a starting guide for you when you need to research these analytics and big data services. I have included relevant links for each service, along with some commentary, in the text of this post below. I’ve done my best to align the services, but there is some overlap between offerings. 

Head-to-Head: The Agile and Waterfall Methodologies

Before the development of a project begins, the project manager’s job is to determine which methodology should be used for the project life cycle. The two most popular methodologies are

  • The Waterfall model, relying on a more traditional approach
  • Agile methodology, a rapid application development procedure, newer than Waterfall and often implemented using Scrum.

The Waterfall model is slowing losing its popularity as software development companies worldwide are adopting Agile methodologies for developing their product. Let’s dive deep into the reason behind Agile’s popularity and how it differs from Waterfall.

5 Reasons Why Azure is Better Than AWS

Why would you choose any system that doesn’t fit the requirement list of your business? And why would you not buy the gold standard platform, provided by a globally-recognized organization, with services that align with your enterprise’s needs? There is no reason not to choose Microsoft for building your company’s IT base and there are a lot of reasons to choose Azure as the cloud computing platform for fulfilling your business needs in the best possible way.

Let’s discuss a few of the reasons why Azure is the best choice for your company’s cloud.

Comparing Serverless Architecture Providers: AWS, Azure, Google, IBM, and Other FaaS Vendors

According to the RightScale 2018 State of the Cloud report, serverless architecture penetration rate increased to 75 percent. Aware of what serverless means, you probably know that the market of cloudless architecture providers is no longer limited to major vendors such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions. Now we have a range of cloud providers to choose from. But, why would anybody switch to serverless architecture? And what is the difference between all those providers and services they offer?

Where Does Serverless Come From?

To answer that question, let’s roll back a bit. Fourteen years ago, cloud technologies began being adopted in IT. The market had to change rapidly, as every year brought new approaches to app development. First, businesses mostly utilized the IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) approach. It entailed renting servers and moving the infrastructure to clouds, but teams still had to deal with server setup. Then came the gradual dismissal of manual server operation, and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) appeared. PaaS providers offered a more complete application stack, like operating systems and databases to run in the cloud and be managed by the vendor. But that wasn’t enough.

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Delivery

Continuous integration or continuous delivery? Or both? It’s a question many IT teams are asking themselves. What are the key differences between each method and which will improve your processes so you deliver higher quality software to your end users in less time?

Both continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) embody the culture and principles of development in a fast-paced marketplace, speeding up and automating the software delivery lifecycle. And both share the same goal: make software development less dependent on manual tasks and releases more frequent, reliable and robust. With such overlap, CI and CD are not mutually exclusive. Yet, they are different as it relates to the scope of automation applied.

jcmd, Circa JDK 11

Nicolas Fränkel recently published a survey of command-line tools delivered with OpenJDK 11 in the blog post "OpenJDK 11, tools of the trade." In that post, he briefly summarizes the tools jps (a JVM process status tool), jinfo (JVM configuration details), jmap (classes/objects on the heap), jstack (thread analysis), and graphical tool JConsole (monitor Java applications).

All of these tools are handy for Java developers to be aware of to apply as needed and Fränkel's post provides a nice introductory overview for those new to these tools. In recent years, I've moved toward applying the single jcmd tool instead of most of the other command-line tools (though it doesn't replace graphical tool JConsole in any way) as I've discussed in the post " jcmd: One JDK Command-Line Tool to Rule Them All."

In-House vs. Managed IT Support: How to Capture The Most Benefits

The bar for IT support is already high. New-gen startups have made exceptional digital customer experience their central selling point, challenging more traditional companies to keep up the stakes.

However, delivering that support also requires significant capital investments – both financial and human. The wrinkle? Companies now spend billions in recruitment to find the right talent, only to have to replace that talent in a year or so. According to a recent LinkedIn report, the tech sector has the highest turnover rate in every industry sector – 13.2%. Yes, even higher than retail. Even at that giant Amazon, the average tenure of an IT employee is one year.