Flutter vs. React Native in 2022: Detailed Framework Comparison

Native applications work smoothly on mobile devices. Their graphic transitions take less time for UI rendering compared to the cross-platforming. The reason is simple: their code can communicate straight to the mobile OS core, enabling UI methods.

In the meantime, the native mobile platforms (OS) are written in different languages. For instance, Android OS is a mix of Java, C, and C++. In comparison, the iOS platform is built with Objective C and Swift. So, native mobile development requires the knowledge of a few languages like Swift and Java simultaneously. That's a big deal, as not many companies could afford to hire developers for each platform.

ClickHouse or StarRocks? Here is a Detailed Comparison

A New Choice of Column DBMS

Hadoop was developed 13 years ago. Its suppliers have been enthusiastic about offering open-source plug-ins, as well as technical solutions. This, on one hand, has resolved the problems of users, while it has also led to the high cost of maintenance, thus Hadoop gradually lost its share of the market. Users are calling for a simple and scalable database at a low cost, therefore the column DDBs got increased attention.

Brief Intro to ClickHouse

ClickHouse is an open-source database by the owner of Yandex, Russia's largest search engine. It has an enhanced performance compared to many commercial MPP databases, such as Vertica or InfiniDB. ClickHouse has gained increased popularity among companies besides Yandex, for the ordinary analytical business which is more structured and has fewer data changes, they can be put into flat tables and into ClickHouse thereafter.

SRE vs. DevOps: Responsibilities, Differences, and Salaries

There is significant debate around the differences between Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps. Given that there are certain similarities between these two approaches to software development and deployment, it isn’t uncommon for people to use these terms interchangeably.

However, SRE and DevOps have distinct identities and processes in place to meet the requisite goals. This article will highlight the differences between the two with regard to fundamentals, associated responsibilities, and salary.

What Managed Kubernetes Service is Best for SREs?

Kubernetes in general is a boon for SREs. By making it easy to manage microservices-based apps at scale, Kubernetes helps SRE teams achieve reliability goals for complex, cloud-native environments.

But if you know anything about Kubernetes, you know that there are a number of different Kubernetes distributions and services available, each with different strengths and weaknesses.

The 5 Best SQL Adapters for Your Python Project

Choose the Best SQL Adapter for Your Python Project


This article will explain what a database connector is and cover the pros and cons of some popular python SQL connectors.

What is a Database Connector?

A database connector is a driver that works like an adapter that connects a software interface to a specific database vendor implementation.

What Is The Difference Between 2NF and 3NF?

Data Normalization Cover

What is Normalization?

Normalization in a database is the process of organizing the data to reduce redundancy. The main idea is to segment a larger table into smaller ones and connect them through a relation.

But why should an end-user like you or me be concerned about Data Normalization?

Comparing InfluxDB, TimescaleDB, and QuestDB Time Series Databases

We're living in the golden age of databases, as money flows into the industry at historical rates (e.g., Snowflake, MongoDB, Cockroach Labs, Neo4j). If the debate between relational vs. non-relational or online analytical processing (OLAP) vs. online transaction processing (OLTP) ruled the past decade, a new type of database has been steadily growing in popularity. According to DB-Engines, an initiative to collect and present information on database management systems, time series databases are the fastest growing sector since 2020:

Data vs. Database Type Popularities

Why Use a Time Series Database?

Time series databases (TSDB) are databases optimized to ingest, process, and store timestamped data. Such data may include metrics from servers and applications, readings from IoT sensors, user interaction on a website or an app, or trading activity on financial markets.

jQuery vs Vue.js

jQuery in project

Why using jQuery? Why bothering? Isn’t it dead? Isn’t it way too messy? Is it still being used in nowadays projects? Is it still…

and so on and on…

AngularJS Vs. ReactJS Vs. VueJS: A Detailed Comparison

Choosing the best technology for web development is a fundamental pillar for every business. But the process becomes sucking when you have to choose between the leading technologies like AngularJS, React JS, and Vue.js. All three differ only by their release date and their features.

From startups to ISVs, all are confused about choosing the right technology for their project. Be it Angular, React, or Vue.js, all have created a lot of buzz in the market and enjoy excellent community support. 

ReactJS Vs. AngularJS

The utilization of JavaScript devices is expanding these days; it is overwhelming to pick the suitable innovation needed at a time. Allow us to talk about the two arising advancement technologies utilized these days, i.e., ReactJS vs. AngularJS.


ReactJS is an open-source library of JavaScript that offers a total bundle of lean engineering and segment-based work processes. It is a specialized language utilized for front-end improvement. Worked by Facebook to answer advanced high delivering execution. The open-source nature of ReactJS is a vital benefit that has maneuvered it into a gigantic, energized and exceptionally dynamic local area.

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native: When To Use Them

In this article, we will see what Cross-Platform App Frameworks: Ionic, Flutter, and React Native are and when to use them.

Each of these frameworks allows you to build an app for both the major platforms: iOS and Android. All of these frameworks are popular in the mobile app development world as they allow developers to build applications using a single source code for every platform. It costs less, hence, the demand for cross-platform app development has increased over the past decade.

MongoDB Vs. MySQL: When to Use?

MongoDB and MySQL are both incredible databases with outstanding performance. However, their success is determined by the field in which they are playing. Rather than merely comparing the pros and cons, it is first essential to comprehend the different contexts in which they operate. Therefore, in this blog post, we will explore the key characteristics, differences, and benefits of using MongoDB and MySQL.

Keep reading to find out more about these (very different) databases and how to choose between both.

Monitoring Across Frameworks

Gone are the times when developers' jobs ended with the release of the application. Nowadays, developers care more and more about the operational side of IT: perhaps they operate applications themselves, but more probably, their organization fosters increased collaboration between Dev and Ops.

I started to become interested in the Ops side of software when I was still a consultant. When Spring Boot released the Actuator, I became excited. Via its convention-other-configuration nature, it was possible to add monitoring endpoints with just an additional dependency.

Database Migration tools: Flyway vs. Liquibase

I believe that there is no need for describing why the usage of database migration tools is vital for modern days apps that utilize relational database engines. I will only say that they can make our life much easier and help us to automatize a complex and repetitive process.

Through the course of this article, I will provide some more insights into similarities and differences between two of the most common open-source migration tools, namely Flyway and Liquibase.

Spring Boot or Jakarta EE – What’s Better?

No – I don’t want to start a new flame war in which I put one framework above the other. Both, Spring Boot and Jakarta EE are great frameworks to build great modern Java applications. Some developers prefer this, others prefer that. Why is that? I think it’s often just because the one developer has collected more experience with Spring Boot, the other one with Java EE. These technologies are developing very fast and it is difficult to learn and be able to apply everything correctly. It is a kind of protectionism that you put one over the other so that you don’t appear stupid and ignorant. But there is a certain noise around Spring Boot that gives the impression that Spring Boot would be the far better system.

I am personally working with Java EE since the beginning – 20 years ago! So – yes I know the one much better than the other and I don’t have a deep understanding about Spring Boot that others may have. 

Quarkus vs Spring Boot – Performance

In this article, we are going to compare the Quarkus and Spring Boot applications and how they behave in terms of memory management.

To be fair in comparison to both the applications, we will go with a standard set of dependencies. Both the application will include Spring Web dependencies only. They will be build using maven tool and jar files will be created. Both the application will have similar REST Endpoints.

The 4 Best Jupyter Notebook Environments for Deep Learning

Notebooks are becoming the standard for prototyping and analysis for data scientists. Many cloud providers offer machine learning and deep learning services in the form of Jupyter notebooks. Other players have now begun to offer cloud-hosted Jupyter environments, with similar storage, compute and pricing structures. One of the main differences can be multi-language support and version control options that allow data scientists to share their work in one place.

The Increasing Popularity of Jupyter Notebook Environments

Jupyter notebook environments are now becoming the first destination in the journey to productizing your data science project. The notebook environment allows us to keep track of errors and maintain clean code. One of the best features although simple is that the notebook would stop compiling your code if it spots an error. Regular IDE’s do not stop compilation even if an error is detected and, depending on the amount of code, it can be a waste of time to go back and manually detect where the error is located.