Sync GitHub Issues With Asana Board Tasks

GitHub issues are a great way to keep track of enhancements, bugs, and tasks for your project. It provides a forum-like space for outside developers to give feedback. It’s a great tool for smaller teams to keep track of tasks, but, as your product grows, and more repositories are made, going back and forth between repositories for task management is just not ideal.

Most teams are using project management tools like Asana. But what about the bug tracking from the repositories? It would be quite bothersome to scroll through and find all ‘bug’ labeled issues and then add them onto an Asana board. Is there a way to synchronize GitHub issues to be automatically added as a task on Asana? Certainly, there are a number of solutions that can be found on the web.

Connect Wix External Collections with Reshuffle


Wix is a great service that lets you develop your website quickly and securely. It provides a large arsenal of widgets and capabilities to make life easy and shorten development cycles.

The system is so good that businesses all over the world have developed their entire IT infrastructure on top of it, including content management systems, CRMs, and even online shopping and fulfillment.

How to Create Chat Rooms in WordPress for Your Users

Recently one of our readers asked if it was possible to create chat rooms on your WordPress site for your users?

A chat room hosted on your site will allows your visitors to chat with each other without needing to install a third-party chat client like Slack or Discord.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a chat room in WordPress.

Adding chat rooms to a WordPress website

Why Add a Chat Room in WordPress?

If you run a small membership website or an online forum, then you may want to add instant messaging chat room for your users.

Normally, you can use third-party services like Slack, WhatsApp, Facebook groups, Discord, etc. But the downside is that all the communication will happen outside your website.

An on-site chat room can make your small community come alive and allow users to talk to each other without leaving your website.

Note: These chat rooms are for small community of users. If you are looking for live chat for customer support, then check out our list of best live chat support software.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a chat room to your WordPress site.

Adding Chat Rooms in WordPress

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Simple Ajax Chat plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, simply go to the Settings » Simple Ajax Chat page to set up your chat room.

You need to go to the Plugin Settings section and change the name of your chat under ‘General Settings.’ We called it ‘My Chat Room’ for this example.

Default chat room name

Under general settings, there are a bunch of options that you can use to customize your chat room.

For instance, you can require users to be logged in to use the chat feature. Or they can use their logged-in username as their chat name, and more.

You can also customize the appearance of your chat room and even manage banned words and phrases if you want to.

How to Display Your Chat Room in WordPress

The next step is to create the page where you want your chat room to live. On the settings page, scroll down to the “Shortcode & Template Tag” area and click to open it.

You’ll see the shortcode that you need to copy:

Copy your chat room short code

Next, go to Pages » Add New in your WordPress admin, and name your page.

Create your chat room page

After that, you can add the shortcode ‘[sac_happens]’ to display your chat room.

To add the shortcode, first you’ll need to click the circle with the ‘+’ sign in the upper left corner of the WordPress block editor. Next, type in ‘short’, and you’ll see the shortcode option.

Add WordPress shortcode block

Click the shortcode button to add it to your page and then paste the shortcode ‘[sac_happens]’ into that area.

Insert shortcode into page

Now you can click the Publish button to save your changes. After that, go ahed and check out your page to see your live chat room in action. This is how it looked on our test site.

Chat room published on page

We hope this article helped you learn how to create chat rooms using WordPress for users. You might also want to see our guide on the best chatbot software, and how to add web push notifications in WordPress to connect with your visitors after they leave your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create Chat Rooms in WordPress for Your Users appeared first on WPBeginner.

WordPress Community Team Discusses Return to In-Person Events

Although the promise of effective COVID-19 vaccines is shining a light at the end of a long tunnel, the world remains firmly in the virus’ grip until distribution can ramp up to cover at-risk groups as well as the general populace.

As pandemic-weary communities muster the discipline to ride out the next few months under continued restrictions, a new discussion popped up on regarding the return to in-person events. WordPress has canceled all in-person events through the end of the year and 2021 flagship events have already been designated as online-only. Community organizer Angela Jin cited recent successful vaccine trials as a prompt for discussing how WordPress can safely resume in-person events:

There has been promising news around some successful trials for vaccines recently! As such, it seems worthwhile to discuss how the WordPress community can return to hosting safe, in-person events. 

Any in-person event would certainly be subject to local laws and any restrictions on gatherings, as they’ve always been. Beyond what local health authorities require, the Global Community Team may need to to help organizers identify what additional precautions are necessary to ensure in-person events are safe for participants. 

Jin offered several examples of “additional precautions” to ensure events are safe, such as mandatory masks, social distancing, outdoor events, limits on the number of attendees, and no food or drink service.

Although countries like Australia, Taiwan, and New Zealand, seem to have adequately contained the virus, the U.S., Europe, India, and Russia have cases spiraling out of control. The discussion seems oddly timed, as this week the U.S., which is leading the world in deaths, has seen daily deaths climb to 2,804, surpassing the previous record of 2,607 reported on April 15, during the first wave of the pandemic.

Several of those commenting mentioned that the discussion opener neglects a critical detail about whether or not in-person events would resume before vaccines are widely distributed.

“I’m surprised I don’t see mention of the vaccine being a requirement,” Mika Epstein said. “I could assume so, but the risk of COVID is human life.

“That means that unless WordPress (or any public event) has a way to ensure that no one will contract (and die) of COVID, then they have no business having any event, indoor or outdoor.

“Not every country is handling things equally well, and just in the US alone, there are many places where the law says ‘do not have events’ but the local authorities refuse to intercede, which resulted in 80% of the people attending an outdoor party not too far from me all testing positive.”

WordPress is a global community and reliance on local laws may still put event attendees at risk in communities that have been subject to a failure of leadership in protecting citizens.

Cami Kaos, an eight-year WordPress community organizer, echoed these thoughts, saying, “The one thing we need to have in place in order to make a safe re-entry into in person events is to have wide spread access to an effective vaccine.” She commented on the difficulties of trying to ensure attendees don’t inadvertently put each other at risk:

It’s all well and good for us to say you can only organize within the recommendations of your local community, but we have no way of knowing how responsible individuals are being. Of knowing if they have come in from out of town for the event. If a member of their household is a frontline worker who might be exposed daily, if someone in their family is high risk and we could be endangering a life.

Without widely distributed vaccines, hosting in-person gatherings with the possibility of attendees traveling from hotspot locations would be unconscionable.

Kaos also commented on how difficult enforcement would be for WordPress community volunteers who would be tasked with making sure individuals wear masks properly, use hand sanitizer, maintain distance, and uphold any other requirements.

“All of this would be putting unpaid and uncompensated volunteers at risk unnecessarily,” Kaos said.

“If people would like to make the choice to see their friends and collaborators in person, that can be their choice. But I don’t feel morally comfortable legally and finically supporting in-person gatherings when I think we could prevent even one death by extending our pause on in-person events to wait for a vaccine to be readily available.”

Other commenters discussed how to manage the logistics of sponsoring masks and sanitizer for organizers by coordinating with local venues and figuring out a way around slow international shipments.

“This actually opens totally new ways to organize WordPress events!” WordCamp organizer Timi Wahalahti said. “Why not have a bicycle trip or something similar with your WordPress friends?”

Live event recordings are another consideration for hosting events in a way that is accessible to more vulnerable populations. According to WordPress community organizer Andrea Middleton, professional video recording has historically been cost prohibitive at scale.

“A year ago focusing on recordings may have sounded in some ways counterproductive to growing in-person events,” WordPress core contributor David Ryan said. “But I think today they provide a short-term fix to the head count crunch, can help bring/keep folx in-the-fold while making in-person attendance even safer, all while adding long-term value even when travel and gatherings normalize.”

The discussion on finding a safe path forward for restarting in-person events will be open until December 16, 2020. Organizers and community members can comment on the post for consideration. Angela Jin said the Community Team will continue to support online events in 2021 and beyond, regardless of any decisions resulting from the discussion.

Tracking Twitter Mentions With

Monitoring social media mentions is an essential part of any business. It gives brands an opportunity to track, analyze, and respond to conversations about them on social media. In this quick tutorial, I will show you an example of how you can setup a simple Twitter mentions tracker with

In this article, we will be using Reshuffle's open source integration framework to easily integrate Twitter and Monday services to meet your brand's needs for social monitoring.

Build a Personalized, SMS-Powered Survey System With Reshuffle Open Source

Communicating with customers via SMS text messages is fast becoming part of a multi-channel customer experience - where people get to choose which channel they prefer to use when connecting with brands. SMS offers speed, accessibility, and the option to communicate privately without going on public social media channels.

Building a simple SMS integration, for example, an auto-responder for order confirmation is easy. But what if you want to connect multiple services to generate a more interactive flow and do more than just send an outbound SMS to a customer? The solution can become complex, and fast.