[SKP’s Novel Concept #03] The Idea of Mood Blogging

Mood Blogging is primarily location-based blogging that captures and enhances the spirit of blogging and also provides location determination, service feedbacks, product reviews, and product offers. It is primarily an internet concept that allows microblogging linked to the mood of that particular blog post and which also allows automatic detection of the current blog mood. It also allows blogs to be posted on other sites as well as to blog from other sites. Apart from this, it allows automatic location determination on the logged-in device and thereby allowing to temporarily subscribe to nearby blogs. This allows location-based subscriptions for temporary usage and automatically un-subscribing based on preferences. When working in a location-based mode would allow real-time feedback on services, products and also allow to obtain the latest offers and discounts. Most of all, it can be a place where people who have just joined a particular location set can look up to for live reviews and feedbacks.

It also involves automatic detection of high traffic generating blogs and gets these pages to be sponsored and customized as per the primary data and blogger profile. It allows another striking user experience feature where it allows mood icons, images, and graphics; thereby taking visual blogging to newer levels. Also, it provides an all-inclusive user interface which allows video, audio, images, files, long blogs, links, and a variety of other types of information to be blogged all in one place. Location determination allows blogs to be now more dynamic and also have location-based advertising and also advertising applied to specific location check-ins.

On the mobile continues the spirit of mood blogging on mobile by allowing to determine location (or change subscriptions) when the device is in the vicinity of another subscriber or a set of similar subscribers. The location determination is dependent on registering with exact details including the zip code and also on the features of the device itself.

The idea of Mood Blogging will be based on concepts of Intelligent Agents, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Analysis, and Auto Location Determination.

The Soft Skills Are the Hard Skills of Today

There was a time where soft skills were considered common-sense practices that held no value within the confines of an organization. While soft skills played a vital role in the success of an organization and its employees, they often went unrecognized for the significant impact they played. However, in an ever-evolving employment landscape, it has quickly become obvious that the two youngest generations in today’s workforce, the Millennials, and Gen-Z, have simply not been equipped with the soft skills that generations before considered common sense.

While this younger workforce is highly equipped to handle the current hard skills required for their jobs, also known as the required aptitude, experience, and specific skills required for their work, basic soft skills such as setting an alarm, being on time, or respecting chains of command are often missing from their skill set. As the future leaders of our economy and workforce, employers should place equal importance on hard and soft skills during the recruiting cycle for new employees — placing an equal value on those who possess the soft skills that were otherwise thought of as common sense, as the hard skills necessary to complete their work. Furthermore, employers should work with current employees to build up their soft skills to help them become critical thinkers, communicators, and effective leaders.