Design Implementation With App Development


We’ve all been there when we have to manually redline our designs so developers know exactly what our perfect designs are actually showing; we have even tried sending over source files for our devs to use when implementing. But isn’t there a better way of sending over detailed design information? 

There are ways we can make markups easier and a way of disseminating this information quicker and more efficiently. This is of the utmost importance; if a developer doesn’t have all the information in front of them they will not spend precious time digging around for important information, a good handoff is a detailed project with information to hand or directly on top of the designs for quick implementation.

Authorization Technology is the Future of Collaboration

Back in the day, security was built around the principle that the people who work for the organization are the good guys that we give access to, while everyone outside the organization are the bad guys we need to keep out.

Well, two things have radically changed since then.

How to Leverage 9 Digital Product Development Principles to Design and Build Successful Products

According to a 2018 US Chamber of Commerce report, 84% of the small businesses use at least one digital platform to promote their business, while 79% use digital tools to engage with customers and suppliers.

Today, the estimated annual global digital ad spending stands at a staggering $332.84 billion. Closer to home, Americans purchased a whopping $586.92 billion worth of products and services online. 

Best File Sharing Apps for Startups in 2020

Every type of organization requires the ability to share and collaborate on the same information to get things done, and that is where file-sharing apps come into play.

Without the perfect file sharing apps, this sharing and collaborating often becomes a hassle with the time it requires and the risk of leaking information attached to it.

Work Breakdown Structure in Project Management

If you are starting as a project manager you may have seen WBS or work breakdown structure, and we are sure you wondered what is a work breakdown structure? A work breakdown structure, although despite what its’ name may suggest involves breaking down deliverables not work. This simple confusing fact reiterates why you need to understand what is a work breakdown structure.

Therefore, we have curated this guide to clue you in on all that is WBS. Let’s start with the basics.

Team Communication Strategies for the Workplace

When creative minds and foresighted people work together for the accomplishment of a common goal, splendid things happen.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a small team to deal with, or you’re engaged in a megaproject in collaboration with a group of companies, efficient and effective team communication strategies are incumbent.

16 Best Software for Task Management (Free and Paid)

What do you do when you have a project at hand? Stress out about how to get it done, make a few dandy to-do lists on a paper about the tasks to be carried out, then stress out some more?

Oh, and it gets worse when the assignment at hand is complex — and that too, with intricate details that need constant attention. In most instances, the stakes are high and any errors can cause you substantial loss. These losses can lead to eventual setbacks that can send you off the expected trajectory of your project. A lot of times, that would otherwise be used productively, but getting back to track over and over again kind of drains the spirit.

Project Management Tools Used for Effective Project Planning

If you have stumbled on this page, then you’re probably wondering “What the heck are project management tools?” Let’s start from the very beginning and go through some common misconceptions about project management tools.

What Are Project Management Tools?

Well, project management tools are the munitions that project managers require to help a team or an individual in getting their work organized. It is used to manage their projects and tasks in such a way that they achieve success.

The Complete Guide on How to Conduct a Sprint Planning Meeting Like a Pro

Ever been a part of a Sprint planning meeting that seemed to last an eternity with no concrete conclusion achieved? Everyone has. And we are here to change that.

This article is all about teaching you how to conduct a Sprint planning meeting that will make your upcoming Sprints more effective, efficient, and, hopefully, less miserable. Let’s start at the very beginning.

Program Manager Vs Project Manager: An Analysis from Cursory Perspective

Do you know the difference between Program and Project managers?

We have bashed the nuts out of project management and the role of a project manager in that capacity; however, little did we know that our inbox was teeming with some inquiries related to program management vs project management. There’s no doubt that the terms coincide with one another, but there are a lot of key differences at a minuscule level.

Integrating ONLYOFFICE Document Editors With the Groupware Platform Written on С#

ONLYOFFICE is an open-source office suite that comprises editors for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. The suite allows extending the functionality of third-party web apps with document editing components, thus being used within their interface. In the previous articles, we showed you how such integration is done (see the examples for Node.js, or Python).

In this article, we will show you one of the most actual integration cases, namely the integration of ONLYOFFICE document editors with its own collaboration platform.