How Automation Activates Agile

Harsh, yes... but too often true. Certainly, Agile is a great start for business user collaboration to ensure requirements fit, but it depends on Working Software. This is exactly what automation provides: Working Software, Now. Here's how.


This article illustrates how Automation, coupled with an Agile Process, can dramatically improve time to market, and reduce requirements risk:

How to Avoid the Ice Cream Cone of Test Automation

The testing process is key to delivering quality software. But as the demand for faster delivery increases, it becomes harder for human teams to keep up. Luckily, test automation can help cover tasks.

And DevOps can further help position testing efforts within the software development cycle. But when dealing with larger software products that have constantly evolving functionality, test automation gets trickier.

How to Build an Effective Team For Faster Growth

It is a challenge for any company to achieve fast, sustainable growth. Companies must balance long-term objectives with their available resources. In today’s market, companies must be flexible, agile, and perform well to earn success. Team collaboration is a key area for company growth. With high-performing teams, a company can boost productivity and achieve its goals.

Collaborative teams are 60% faster at completing work and show higher emotional wellbeing. By creating effective teams, a company creates win-win working environments. The company benefits from the team’s output, while employees feel content at work. 

Don’t Be Quick to Judge Your Team Members

Judging others infographic.

Think of the countless times you labeled someone at work as "lazy, boring, incompetent, stupid, irritating, biased, reckless, rude, etc."

The lens with which you see others makes all the difference; are you quick to judge or adopt an attitude to understand?

How your co-worker reacts to a situation is shaped by their own temperament, past experiences, and current circumstances. Their behavior in one area does not reflect who they are as a person, what they value, and even how they would be in another aspect of their work.

3 Remote Work Tips for Software Testing Teams

Yes, making a sharp and unexpected pivot into remote work brings a fair share of complications, no matter what you do for a living. But software testers are facing some unique challenges. Coordinating testing across all the different tools and people involved in the end-to-end quality process was never easy to begin with. But now, many organizations are deploying urgent updates almost instantly — which means testers need to figure out how to test even more efficiently as they negotiate new ways of working.

We wanted to take this opportunity to share some tools and tips that are helping testers within our own teams as well as our customers’ teams. If you have additional ideas, we encourage you to add them in the comments section. Ideally, we’d like to update this post periodically to provide a central reference point for best practices that are adding value across the testing community.

2019 Top Slack Channels for Software Testers

Slack is the hottest collaboration tool in the market today, both as an internal tool for teams working together and for external groups who share similar interest and need a place to collaborate and share ideas.

Slack also offers a free tier which is used by many public communities such as software developers and testers. This tier includes unlimited private and public channels, 10K messages, up to 10 apps (Github, Bitbucket, etc.), file sharing, custom notifications and more.

Open Letter to all the People Being Forced to do Scrum

I've been thinking about the people who complain about being forced to do Scrum.

I agree that forcing self-organizing teams to do something seems counterproductive; however, even in that scenario, there are only a few hard and fast Scrum rules. Anything else I'm being made to do is not Scrum's fault: