The Top Books a Junior Developer Must Read in 2020

Read on for book recommendations!

Whether you are new to the world of developing or are fairly experienced, you have probably realized at some point that focusing solely on your job isn’t the best way to build up your skill and knowledge. There are some excellent ways a developer can sharpen his skill set today; pair-programming, meetups, online courses, and mentors are all great, but sometimes a good old book might hold all the answers you need.

Agree? If so, keep reading for the top recommendations for a developer.

Defaultable Parameters in Ballerina


Let's dig into this cool Ballerina feature. How many times you were wondering how to invoke a method and what to pass into that function? Of course, you should know what to pass, but there are occasions that you care about only a couple of parameters and the rest of the parameters you just don't know what to do with.

Personally, I faced such situations multiple times. Ballerina provides a cool way to deal with such scenarios. Basically, the function developer can provide the default value for the parameter so that the one who uses the function and invokes it can opt-out from providing a value for that parameter.

Imposter Syndrome in Web Development: Understand It, Overcome It

We can't all be coding superheroes, but we can all be good at what we do

The web development sphere — and the IT world in general — is a great area to build your career and spend many years of adult life in. Here, smart and driven people gather together to build great products. To build great products, however, we as the developers need to stay high-performant and motivated — so we’ve built our work culture around these qualities.

In this “be a genius and work hard” culture, we start to feel that we’re not up to the high standards imposed by the software industry; we have shortcomings, we make mistakes, we don’t know everything. Our mentors, peers, and friends, however, don’t seem to have these issues — and so the imposter syndrome is born.

An Introduction to Sets in JavaScript

Eliminate duplicates in your collection with sets

Sets are a new object type included in ES6 that allow the creation of collections of unique values. The values in a set can be either simple primitives, such as strings and integers or more complex object types like object literals or arrays. Think of sets as an array with no repeated elements.

There are many instances where we have an array containing many elements that we want to convert to a unique array. While it can be done by brute force on the array, checking elements, using loops, distinct callback method, etc., the best method is using  set().

Hoisting in JavaScript

Master hoisting in JavaScript

In this post, we are going to discuss hoisting. We’ll be discussing what it is and why it’s important for you to know as a Javascript developer.

This article is the first of many small articles discussing key areas and terms in Javascript, such as call stack, callback, promise, async, etc.

10 Free Courses to Learn Python in 2019

In recent years, I have seen more people learn Python than any other language. Many of them are learning Python to explore Data Science and Machine learning libraries provided by Python. Some people are also learning Python for web development, and there are still many developers who are learning Python for scripting and automating trivial tasks. It doesn't matter why you are learning Python at this moment; it's a great thing in itself that you have decided to learn Python.

Even though I am a Java programmer, and I have spent all my career coding in Java, I value Python very for its versatility.

Is the Book ”Java Concurrency in Practice” Still Relevant in the Era of Java 12?

One of my readers, Shobhit, asked this question on my blog post about must-read advanced Java books: is the book "Java Concurrency in Practice" still relevant? I really liked the question and thought many Java programmers might have similar thoughts whenever someone recommends this popular Java read.

When this book was first published in 2006, the Java world was still not sure of about new concurrency changes made in Java 1.5. I think this was the first big attempt to improve Java's built-in support for multi-threading and concurrency.

Top 5 Free Courses to Learn Blockchain Programming

Hello, all — hope you all are having a great time and are working towards your goals for this year. I have been sharing a lot of courses and tutorials recently about what to learn this year, starting from tools and frameworks to libraries and programming languages, but one of the most important technologies you can learn this year is blockchain development.

It's one of most talked about technologies at the moment and is considered to be the Next Big Thing after the invention of the Internet, as blockchain technology can provide a way to attain digital trust on via the Internet.

5 Courses to Learn Selenium WebDriver for Automation Testing in Java

The days of manual testing are limited as more and more companies are shifting towards automation testing. This means all manual testing QAs needs to learn new test automation skills through Selenium, Cucumber, JUnit, and TestNG to give their career a boost. If you are manual testers or non-programming testers interested in learning test automation, or a freshers/graduates who want to kick-start their career in automating testing then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn Selenium Webdriver with Java and other automation testing technology like JUnit, Cucumber, and more.

Today's software development world uses TDD (Test-Driven Development) and BDD (Business-Driven Development) practices and requires continuous integration and continuous deployment using Jenkins and Maven.

10 Programming Languages You Should Know in 2019

Who says your cat can't help you learn new programming languages?

A couple of days ago, I was reading an interesting article on HackerNews, which argued that you should learn numerous programming languages even if you won't immediately use them, and I have to say that I agree. Since each programming language is good for something specific but not so great for others, it makes sense to know more than one language so you can choose the right tool for the job.

But which languages should you learn? Which languages will give you the biggest bang for your buck?

Code Review Patterns and Anti-Patterns

The code review process is crucial for quality assurance, and there are many ways of going about it. Patterns for code review make this process run a lot more smoothy. This Refcard covers eight of the most popular patterns: long-running PRs, self-merging PRs, heroing, over-helping, “just one more thing,” rubber stamping, knowledge silos, and a high bus factor.

5 Courses to Learn Java Concurrency in Depth in 2019

If you are a Java developer and looking for some awesome resources, e.g. books and courses, to improve your multithreading and concurrency skills in Java, then you have come to the right place! In the past, I have shared books and tutorials on Java concurrency and multithreading, and in this article, I am going to talk about some of the best free and paid courses to learn multithreading and concurrency.

You can join these courses to improve your understanding of Java concurrency and multithreading. It's one of the most important skills for Java developers, as almost all the companies who interview Java developers pay particular attention to his knowledge and experience in this area.

Best Tools for Code Collaboration

You're reading Best Tools for Code Collaboration, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+!

Collaboration Tools Intro

According to Forbes, 50 percent of Americans will work as independent contractors by 2027. Many tend to downplay freelancing as pertaining to only small-scale or personal projects and dismiss the implication and economic sustainability of freelancing. Independent contractors are not …