How to Code for Beginners

What Is Coding?

You must have heard about engineers doing coding in their systems, but what does it mean? It is an act of writing a language that can be understood by the computers, which let them perform a task. Codes are compiled and executed to let the process happen. We can create apps, software, websites with the help of coding. Codes are written in a different domain, for example, a machine learning engineer will write code for their ML models. A full-stack developer will write code to optimize their website, and an android developer will write code to make android applications. Coding can also be referred to like computer programming.

Why Should I Learn to Code?

Coding lets you decode your future easily. It opens new opportunities for the future. It not only improves your problem-solving skills but also helps in fulfilling your dream of getting the highest-paid jobs. 

10 Must-Have VS Code Extensions to Improve Your Productivity

1. Live Server

Live Server allows you to see code changes reflected in the browser. It launches a local development server with a live reload feature both for static and dynamic pages.

Every time you save your code, you'll instantly see the changes reflected in the browser. You'll be much faster at spotting errors and it's much easier to do some quick experiments with your code.

DZone Live Episode 6: The Low-Code/No-Code Special Show

Join us for the DZone Live Episode 6: The Low-code/No-code Special Show!

Thursday, July 29th at 11:00 am EDT, join us for the next episode of DZone Live that will focus on low-code/no-code with experts from around the industry deep into the trenches with it and leading the way.


  • Introductions from DZone Community Manager, Blake Ethridge
  • Featured Guest: Jay Jamison, Chief Product & Technology Officer at Quickbase
  • Speakers: Dawie Botes, Customer Success Head at Twenty57
  • Speaker: Xavier Portilla Edo, Infrastructure Engineer at Voiceflow
  • Speaker: Javier Teso, Co-Founder of Kumologica
  • Speaker: Alireza Chegini shares their DZone picks for articles not to be missed
  • Speaker: Q&A with all guests on low-code/no-code and the audience. Send us your questions for all of our speakers to answer live!

Live Question and Answer 

Have a question or comment for the DZone team? We will be on live at the end for a Q&A!

5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Code

Have you ever thought about the benefits of coding apart from the fact that it is one of the most essential 21st-century skills? If your answer is yes, then you should know more about the wide range of benefits of coding. If not, then you’re in the right place to discover them.

In this blog, you will learn more about the benefits of coding that range beyond just learning to code. And, you’ll realize how coding enables kids to improve academic performance and acquire life skills.

jQuery vs Vue.js

jQuery in project

Why using jQuery? Why bothering? Isn’t it dead? Isn’t it way too messy? Is it still being used in nowadays projects? Is it still…

and so on and on…

The Engineer’s Guide to Writing Meaningful Code Comments

In most cases, you aren’t the only person working on the same project or codebase. That means that other people get to read your code and have to understand it. That’s also true for the code comments you leave behind. Developers often write ‘quick and dirty’ comments without much context, leaving other developers clueless about what you’re trying to say. It’s a bad practice that creates only more confusion than clarifies things.

So, yes - you should be bothered with writing meaningful code comments to help other developers. A code comment that describes the function, the reasoning behind the function, and its input and output will speed up the learning process of other developers. Especially for junior developers, this information comes in handy when learning the code.

Developers Share How They Prevent and Manage Technical Debt

Plenty of people have written about technical debt. They might be discussing it in the context of improving velocitycode churncode refactoring, or it might just be an item on a very long to-do list that never gets prioritised. We put out a call out for real-world experiences of what helps when it comes to reducing technical debt and received a huge number of responses from devs across a variety of sectors. In the previous article, developers told us about their technical debt horror stories. Here’s what they had to say about how to manage and prevent it:

1. Treat Technological Debt as a Tool Rather Than a Scourge

“Technical debt, like financial debt, is more likely to become an issue if you ignore it or act as if it doesn't exist. Instead, accept it and regard it as a method that needs constant attention and maintenance.

7 Ways To Manage Pull Requests

Pull requests focus on the changes made to the codebase with information about what change was made to help reviewers and other developers understand and provide feedback. Their biggest drawbacks lie in their detailed nature and time consumption. 

Developers make every effort to improve the management of pull requests, along with their workflow. There is a constant battle with ways to improve time spent on them and making sure the accuracy behind merging codes stays the same. 

Code Quality Metrics

"Employing these Metrics to excel the performance of code directly impacts the profitability of the business. Achieving high-quality standards ultimately increases the ROI of the software. Consider it as a matter of choosing between investing excess time as well as resources initially or wasting the same later in fixing issues"

For the developers, practicing to write a good quality code in the initial phase of the coding job not only prevents the efforts and hours spent in précising the errors but also the costs are reduced. It leaves the engineers with little adjustments and complaint handling. So, if your goal is high reliability, readability, and efficiency in the code, you need to employ quality checks for your code.

Technical Debt: Interview With Adam Tornhill and Alex Omeyer

Last week we hosted a webinar where Alex Omeyer interviewed Adam Tornhill about technical debt: what is it, why it's important, and how to manage it effectively. For this article, we've chosen some of the most interesting questions we've got from the audience. If you're curious to learn more — check out the full version of the webinar.

Alex: I'm Alex, the Co‑founder, and CEO of Stepsize. I spend all of my time talking about technical debt with Engineering team members, and I'm genuinely pumped to have Adam, CTO and Founder of CodeScene, with me today.

Using Machine Learning to Automate Data Cleansing

According to Gartner’s report, 40% of businesses fail to achieve their business targets because of poor data quality issues. The importance of utilizing high-quality data for data analysis is realized by many data scientists, and so it is reported that they spend about 80% of their time on data cleaning and preparation. This means that they spend more time on pre-analysis processes, rather than focusing on extracting meaningful insights.

Although it is necessary to achieve the golden record before moving on to the data analysis process, there must be a better way of fixing the data quality issues that reside in your dataset, rather than correcting each error manually.

7 Coding Tools That Will Maximize Your Effectiveness

When learning to code, developers-to-be are usually taught to code vanilla software. In the workplace, however, developers use many tools to speed up their coding. Common tasks like testing, running various scripts, and programming environment control are just a few examples of when an extra tool comes in handy.

The trouble is, there are many of these tools on the market, and it’s hard to know which are best. It often takes years of trial and error to discover which tools are the most helpful. To save you that effort, we asked some experienced developers about the tools that have helped them become better coders and maximize their efficiency on the job.

Reload Your Brain After Coding

There is one notable fact about the Nintendo Wii U console that can be shocking content for many readers. On November 18, 2012, at the time of launch, this console was the most powerful gaming console in the world. In this status, she existed for almost a whole year. Another thing to think about is that 2012-2014 is the golden time for console games. The developers have learned how to squeeze all the juices out of iron; the picture, the plot, the elaboration of the world were perfect. And, all these games went straight to the new promising console. The starting lineup for the Forgotten Console was shocking. And, the best lineup is ever available at the start.

Today, I wanted to tell you about the best games that most PC users have not played yet. All these games are worthy of attention even after 5 years after their release. I don't see why you don't start playing right after reading the article; just check out Nintendo Wii ROMs at the ROMs Planet website. Below are my own favorites that I recommend. 

Connect Wix External Collections with Reshuffle


Wix is a great service that lets you develop your website quickly and securely. It provides a large arsenal of widgets and capabilities to make life easy and shorten development cycles.

The system is so good that businesses all over the world have developed their entire IT infrastructure on top of it, including content management systems, CRMs, and even online shopping and fulfillment.

What Is Coding in Web Development?

Web designing or development is the creation of dynamic web applications. It is the best form of coding for beginners to learn. The good news is that it is easy to set up and guarantees instant results. Social networking sites like Facebook and e-commerce sites like Amazon are some examples. This includes writing, markup, or coding in web programming for web content, web client, server scripting, and network security.  

Besides, web programming is slightly different from just programming. The most popularly used languages for web programming include XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc. Moreover, there are two broad categories of Web development. First, front-end development, also known as client-side development. The second, back-end development, also known as server-side development.

Using Machine Learning for Static Analysis

In some ways, machine learning and AI systems are becoming a victim of their own success. While they are genuinely useful in many fields, particularly when it comes to marketing analysis and for cybersecurity, their utility in these fields means that some people have tried to use them for everything. That includes using machine learning systems to create static code analyzers for locating security vulnerabilities.

Some of these attempts have met with a modicum of success: Facebook, Amazon, and Mozilla all now offer some form of ML-driven static code analyzers. However, and as anyone who understands the fundamentals of machine learning will appreciate, these approaches also come with some inherent limitations.