5 Reasons to Teach Your Kids to Code

Have you ever thought about the benefits of coding apart from the fact that it is one of the most essential 21st-century skills? If your answer is yes, then you should know more about the wide range of benefits of coding. If not, then you’re in the right place to discover them.

In this blog, you will learn more about the benefits of coding that range beyond just learning to code. And, you’ll realize how coding enables kids to improve academic performance and acquire life skills.

New to Java? Here Are Some Resources

In this tweet, I was asked if I had a list of resources for developers who are new to Java. I didn't at the time, but I've spent some time researching, and here is that list.

I've listed content that is both free and paid. It's not that one type is superior; it’s just to give you plenty of choices. These are the resources that I've used and do still use to re-learn Java. So, if you're new to Java or looking to pick it up again after a break, this blog is for you.

Using SourceGear DiffMerge With TFS in Visual Studio and Git

This post isn't to advocate DiffMerge over another file comparer, but an explanation on how to set up DiffMerge with either TFS in Visual Studio or Git.

I've been using DiffMerge since VS2010, so pretty much forever as far as I am concerned. Back then there was no built-in diff viewer in Visual Studio so you had to use a third-party tool. Because I've used it for so long I'm quite reluctant to change. Looking at differences in files is something every developer does often, whether it is local code changes or a code review for another member of the team. It has to be a quick and efficient process. That's why I stick with DiffMerge. I know it works, I know how to use it, I'm familiar with the layout, and I can quickly navigate and scan the document.