10 Best AI Tools for Web Developers

This post is originally published on Designmodo: 10 Best AI Tools for Web Developers

10 Best AI Tools for Web Developers

AI-powered tools have significantly evolved over the past few years. They have applications in almost every business sector, including education, lifestyle, navigation, health care, gaming, agriculture, marketing, finance, etc. It is no surprise that Artificial Intelligence has also slowly begun …

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Engineering Metrics Benchmarks: What Makes Elite Teams?

DORA Metrics and Beyond

In 2014 the DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) team published their first State of DevOps report, identifying four metrics that can be used to measure engineering team performance. 

Six months ago the Data Science Team at LinearB decided to continue where DORA left off,  digging deeper into the data than ever before. For the first time in history, engineering teams are able to benchmark their performance against data-backed industry standards. 

Top Python Coding Best Practices for Beginners

In March 2022, Python made headlines in the programming world by becoming the most popular programming language. After years of hovering in the top ranks, it finally surpassed Java and C to reach the number one spot on the TIOBE index.

And why not? After all, it is such a fun and powerful language to work with. It is fast, user-friendly, open-source, and has a community comprising millions of programmers across the globe.

What Is Mysqld?

What is mysqld image


The MySQL Server has many different names and has been around for decades. Some people simply call it "MySQL," some refer to it as "the MySQL daemon," and others still elect to simply combine the two and call it "mysqld" (short for "MySQL daemon"). Regardless, the fact remains that it is both extremely popular and used in almost every industry we can think of. People working with the server generally use it to support software solutions on the web, but its use cases vary from industry to industry thanks to its high availability, performance including data storage and security.

Here you can read about how to Set Up MySQL 8 Replication with Linux Nodes:

3 Best Tactics To Prevent Technical Debt as an Engineer

The expression technical debt gets thrown around a lot and every Engineer knows that it slows down the development process. In this article, I want to give practical advice that your engineering team can manage and solve technical debt without spending a lifetime on it.

Let’s Define Technical Debt...

Often technical debt refers to a rushed development process or a lack of shared knowledge among team members. However, don't forget that in many cases technical debt is inevitable and is part of a normal software development process.

Cookies at the Edge: Not a Baking Blog Post

I came across an interesting use case for edge compute the other day: cookie management at the edge. It probably won’t be super relevant to a ton of people, but it’s an interesting use case I wanted to share nonetheless.

Brief Background About Cookies

When most people think of cookies, they picture delicious baked morsels. But we’re not here to talk about those (unfortunately). In the context of web development, cookies are one of the options web developers have to store data.

An Engineer’s Guide to TODOs: How to Get Things Done

We've long been promised a world where automation and other tech would free up our time to focus on more creative, rewarding pursuits.

However, we still find ourselves battling with small, but time-sucking tasks. We all want to surrender ourselves to the deep focus we need to complete more important work, but there are two big old-time sucks:

6 Easy Ways to Start Coding Accessibly

Why Does Accessible Development Feel So Intimidating?

I’ve found accessible development to be one of the places where it’s easiest to fall into analysis paralysis: there’s always something that you feel like you need to double-check first, something that you heard someone else is doing, or just a vague feeling that you don’t really know enough yet to start tackling accessible coding yourself. Just one more blog, one more conference talk, one more video, and then you’ll be ready to start writing accessible code.

Meanwhile, our applications – and more importantly, our users – are stuck with the same old inaccessible code that we just keep writing. The best thing we can do is to start writing accessible code to the best of our ability, with the acknowledgment that we might make a mistake! After all, isn’t that just how development works all the time? We code things using the skillset we have, adhering to the best practices that we’re aware of and the current web standards. Sometimes we make mistakes, whether those are bugs or architecture approaches we would have done differently in hindsight, but we still ship an application that’s (hopefully) mostly functional. Accessibility is the same way: it functions on a sliding scale, not an on/off switch. We code accessible features as we’re able, based on what we know right now and the current accessibility-related guidance. It might not be perfect 100% of the time, but anything is better than ignoring accessibility entirely. And hey, code isn’t carved into stone, right? You can always go back and update something once you’ve learned how to do it better.

10 Must-Know Patterns for Writing Clean Code With React and Typescript


React is a JavaScript library, and it is the most popular and industry-leading frontend development library today. JavaScript is a loosely typed language, and as a result, it catches runtime. The result of this is that JavaScript errors are caught very late and this can lead to nasty bugs. As a JavaScript library, React inherits this problem.

Clean code is a consistent style of programming that makes your code easier to write, read, and maintain. Anyone can write code that a computer can understand but good developers write clean code – code that humans can understand. Clean code is a reader-focused development style that improves our software quality and maintainability.

Optimizing Content Migrations With Edge Compute

The more I learn about edge computing, the more I look for compelling use cases that developers can relate to. Today, I have one: edge redirects.


Imagine you manage a website with a lot of content. I’m talking, like hundreds of thousands of articles. One day, you decide it’s time to change the domain name.

The Dark Side of Coding Bootcamps To Consider When Entering

Back in 2012, the learn-to-code movement arrived. The demand for complementary skills in many industries promised alternative sources of income together with a comprehensive experience, including soft skills like creative thinking, problem-solving, and critical judgment.

As some of you probably remember, the don't-learn-to-code movement came soon after. The backlash from experienced programmers and educators might have seemed malicious, but, emotions aside, their points were quite reasonable:

How To Prepare for Programming and Coding Interviews? Topics and Skills

There is no doubt cracking the Coding interviews of top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon is very hard, but you can still crack it by carefully planning and preparing the essential skills which matter most like Data structures and Algorithms, System Design, Multithreading and Concurrency, SQL and Database design, and of course, problem-solving skills.

Being an author of Java and a programming blog, I often receive queries about how to prepare for coding interviews? How to pass Google or Microsoft Software Developer interviews? Or how can I get a software development job on Amazon or Facebook?

Tree Data Structure Questions for Coding Interviews Preparation

Hello folks, I have been sharing a lot of resources about programming job interviews like the books, courses, and some interview questions on the software design and data structures like an array, string, and linked list.

So far, we have looked at only the linear data structures, like an array and linked list, but all information in the real world cannot be represented in a linear fashion, and that's where tree data structure helps.