Relational Data and Custom Codeless APIs App Blueprint

We utilize relational data models to improve database performance and allow users to recreate real-world relationships. The shipping and tracking app blueprint showcases these capabilities in action, with the help of custom codeless APIs.

App blueprints are more than just templates from which to build a specific type of application. We design all of our free App Blueprints to provide one or more key functions that a developer would want to add to their application, regardless of the app’s business use.

Transaction API Support for Codeless

The purpose of transactions is to protect your data from partial database updates that fail to be complete. The Transaction API is now available for Codeless.

Transaction API

With the Transaction API,  our Database can execute multiple database requests grouped into a single transaction. When any one of these grouped database operations fails, the entire transaction is rolled back – meaning any other changes within the same transaction are canceled.

Codeless OAuth API and Email API Attachments

The OAuth API allows you to get the full benefits of third-party OAuth login but with a new Codeless block, your application can include login with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, Discord, GitHub, Spotify, and more.

In addition to the OAuth API, Backendless has also added new functionality for adding email attachments via API, which is also now available in Codeless. Email attachments – PDFs, images, videos, etc. – can even be added to email templates using Codeless. Read on to learn more.

How to Create a Modal in UI Builder

A modal is a common UI element used to grab the user’s attention by overlaying the page. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will show you how to implement, style, and interact with modals in UI Builder.

Also known as overlays or dialog windows, modals are an easy way to ensure your user receives information or takes an action you want them to take. In order to guarantee the user interacts with the modal, most modals prevent the user from interacting with the underlying page.

What Is Mobile Backend As A Service (MBaaS)?


In the software as a service (SaaS) landscape, there are many variations of "____ as a service." In this article, we will explain what mobile backend as a service, or MBaaS, means.

Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) is an online service designed to be an all-in-one solution for backend app development. This typically includes data and database management, API management, security, and push notifications.

Uber’s New Open Source Release Takes the Coding Out of Deep Learning (Seriously)

Uber’s AI division is in the news again, but this time it’s a good thing. The company recently announced in a blog post that they have released the latest of their deep learning initiatives to the world.

As the post explains, “Extending our commitment to making deep learning more accessible, we are releasing Ludwig, an open source, deep learning toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows users to train and test deep learning models without writing code.”