Getting started with PHP framework codeigniter

I have always worked with core PHP and was always reluctant to use any CMS (Joomla, Drupal, etc). Coincidentally I never got a chance to work on any of the frameworks in PHP. But in the current project at work, we have decided to use CodeIgniter.

CodeIgniter is a lightweight open source web application framework. In short, it gives you a directory structure of a proper MVC pattern along with a lightweight built-in templating engine of its own. MVC pattern helps developers to separate business logic and the presentation layer. It requires a very minimal setup, unlike the famous PHP framework, Zend. Zend is mostly used in developing enterprise applications and is a vast framework, hence making the learning curve more difficult. On the other hand, CodeIgniter is easy to set up and easier to learn.

Laravel 6 — What’s New?

This month we have witnessed a major release of our favorite PHP framework. Laravel is turning eight this year, and the older it gets, the more we like it. Just like a kid… Not to say we didn’t like it before! 

In this article, I’ll give you a quick run through on the most important changes with this major release. 

Best PHP Frameworks (2019)

In this article, we will be discussing the Best PHP Frameworks along with their pros and cons in great depth so that one might get a clear understanding of which one to chose. Our comprehensive research would include some Latest PHP Frameworks.

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