Continuous Integration and Delivery With AWS Code Pipeline


  • Introduction    
  • Should-Have    
  • AWS CodeBuild configuration
  • AWS CodePipeline configuration


This article is intended to present a concise illustration of how to configure a CI/CD process for Mule Applications using AWS Source Code engines like AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, and CodePipeline.


  1. MuleSoft Project with maven
  2. Mule enterprise credentials
    • AWS permission to:
      1. Create branches in repositories
      2. Execute git actions in repositories: pull, commit, merge, push.
      3. Configure mandatory roles for CodeBuild and CodePipeline
      4. Configure CodeBuild MuleSoft Project
      5. Configure CodePipeline

AWS CodeBuild Configuration

Create AWS CodeCommit repository for MuleSoft project: 

AWS CodeCommit: Identifying Your Public Key

I use AWS CodeCommit to hold the work-in-progress articles for this blog. It's free, it's private, and it's not living on a disk drive in my house.

To access my repositories, I use SSH private key authentication. Unlike GitHub, CodeCommit doesn't just let you attach a public key to a repository. Instead, you associate a public key with a user token, and must use that user token to access the repository. That's not too onerous, because you can put the token in your .ssh/config: