How to Build the Process and Culture Behind Using Feature Flags at Scale

Feature flags are a great way to release features quickly with very low risk — they allow software teams to make changes without re-deploying code. They have the power to make an organization’s DevOps practices more efficient, enabling testing in production. They can help developers, operations, QA, product, customer success, sales, and marketing teams deliver higher-quality features, faster.

But like many powerful tools, feature flags need to be used with care. When an organization adopts feature flags, it needs to simultaneously adopt a set of best practices for using them effectively and safely. This article goes beyond a technical “how-to” guide for implementing feature flags, and into the realm of process and culture. Sure, you can start using them today as an individual or a small team, but to truly realize the benefits of feature flags, the entire organization needs to embrace them — and without the necessary process and cultural shifts, you can accumulate a very large load of technical debt very quickly. At best, you’ll end up with bloated code, and at worst, the bloated code can lead to catastrophic events.

Things to Look Forward to at This Year’s DevOps World

It’s hard to believe it’s that time of year again, but DevOps World 2021 is quickly approaching! This year’s conference is going back to virtual on September 28-30 and is filled with exciting sessions, speakers, and networking opportunities for every member of the DevOps community.

Last year, we had attendees “show us their world” as they attended (for the first time ever) DevOps World from thousands of locations across the globe. This year, we’re going back to the future (if you’ve seen any of our promotions on social media, you’ll know what I mean!). We’ll be focusing on how we can build the future of software delivery together through security, CI/CD, scalability, and DevOps best practices.

Understanding the Feature Flag Lifecycle

Feature flag deployment is gaining popularity as a way to provide safer and more effective deployments for teams looking to streamline their deployment pipeline. Feature flags simplify the process of making more frequent deployments by allowing granular control of the functionality deployed based on the environment.

As a refresher, a feature flag (also called a feature toggle) modifies software functionality without requiring a redeployment, effectively allowing for dynamic and easy configuration of software. Some of the perks of being able to do this include:

Software Delivery Management Provides End-to-End Visibility

I had the opportunity to meet with Sacha Labourey, CEO and Founder, and Anders Wallgren, V.P. Technology Strategy at CloudBees during DevOps World | Jenkins World in San Francisco.

Even though several announcements were made during the conference, both Sacha and Anders, independent of each other, were most excited about their new offering of Software Delivery Management (SDM) to facilitate and accelerate the delivery of software across teams, toolsets, and technology.