Mainframe Modernization to Cloud

Despite the efficacy and benefits of Cloud-native development, the Mainframe remains a core and valuable enterprise technology for large enterprise customers (especially in finance, insurance, manufacturing, retail, and the public sector). Maybe because Mainframe offers resiliency, reliability, and trusted security. But it isn’t enough to sustain in today’s disruptive business environment. 

Faster time to market, employee, and customer experience has become a business imperative, and the Mainframe systems are a significant barrier in achieving the same. The flexibility and versatility of Cloud DevOps are overshadowing the Mainframe’s ability to innovate in the current business environment. Cost considerations and changes in the workforce also impact Mainframe’s viability as a long-term technology solution.

An Approach to Cloud Transformation and Cloud Migration


The ongoing COVID 19 pandemic is creating new challenges to almost all industries. It is causing a significant impact on business and operating models. Organizations are rethinking, "how to make business resilient for such large disruptions," " how to innovate faster and enable new business services to customers," "how to reduce TCO," and "how to enable better connectivity and collaborations." Such challenges existed before the pandemic era as well, but have become more relevant and important now.

Businesses that have already embarked on their cloud journey have shown greater resiliency and responsiveness to this pandemic. In the near future, it's expected that cloud adoption will significantly increase across industries with a combination of different cloud service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) along with hybrid and multi-cloud topologies. Cloud hosting will become a new essential IT service for businesses.

A well-defined approach for cloud transformation is expected to realize business goals, cost savings, and strategic benefits. This article will briefly outline the elements of a typical approach for application cloud migration, modernization, and transformation. The article combines portfolio rationalization methods that can identify potential savings by reducing spending on non-valuable portfolios, along with cloud migration methods to realize the benefits of the cloud. This article will explain the methodical approach to a successful cloud transformation.

Digital Transformation and the Evolving Role of the CIO

In the tech industry, it’s important to stay up on what chief information officers (CIOSs) are thinking, what their goals are and what obstacles they encounter in meeting these goals. That’s why I make it a priority to keep in constant contact with CIOs and other IT leaders around the world, both through personal meetings and through Flexera research that solicits their input. One thing that’s crystal clear is that the CIO’s role is evolving at a rapid pace.

A few years ago, CIOs had command and control of the IT environment. Anyone who needed an IT resource had to first go through the IT department. CIOs ran their departments as cost centers and managing the IT budget was their primary concern, as they were under continuous pressure to do more with less.