4 Ways Cloud Helps Future-Proof Your Teams

Cloud is no longer a differentiator – it’s a strategic requirement for long-term success. So says Forrester’s Benchmark Your Enterprise Cloud Adoption report, and so say our customers, 90 percent of whom choose our cloud products over hosting tools on-premise (on-prem). 

Ten years ago, moving to the cloud was about staying ahead of the curve – no longer. Now, it’s about keeping up, and providing customers and employees with the always-on services they expect.

Making Enterprise Developers Lives Easier With Cloud Tools: An Interview With Andi Grabner

If you are an enterprise developer reading this you might be saying, "Help! How do I get back to coding?" So many developers I've talked to of late have lamented that their jobs have increasingly taken the actual time they spend coding down to 70% or 30% of the time.

Luckily, we are in the automation era where experts like Dynatrace DevOps Activist Andi Grabner exist. I recently had the chance to chat with Andi at Dynatrace Perform on how we can make enterprise developer's lives easier with cloud tools.