The Green Lining in Cloud Computing

In current COVID times, the mantra for success includes a healthy mix of innovation with thoughtfulness and corporate social responsibility. As the efforts toward digital transformation are accelerating, so are the pressures to operate as responsible businesses. More and more CXOs are working on striking the right balance between accelerating digital transformation and their sustainability strategy, in addition to adopting a more digitized stand with a “cloud-first” approach.

Sustainability in the Cloud

Companies have historically driven financial, security, and agility benefits through the cloud, but sustainability is becoming imperative. According to the United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Strategy CEO Study on Sustainability, more than 99% of CEOs from large companies now agree that “sustainability issues are important to the future success of their businesses.” Two-thirds of the CEOs view the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies as a critical factor for accelerating socio-economic impact. 59% of CEOs say that they are deploying low-carbon and renewable energy across their operations today. 

Top 10 Data Analytics Trends That Will Boom Your Business

“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” - Geoffrey Moore, Author of Crossing the Chasm Inside the Tornado

Without analytics, your company is vulnerable because analytics gives you valuable insight into what is and is not working. If your company doesn’t understand what mistakes it has made with its business decision-making, marketing performance, or customer interactions, it will keep on making those same errors. Data analytics helps business decision-makers position themselves in the industry and identify in which fields in their products and services are needed, why sales may have decreased or increased, and where there may be an opportunity in the market.

SAP Leonardo, IoT, and Industry 4.0


In this article, we'll take a look at the definition of Industry 4.0 and the role of IoT within it. Then we'll discuss the adoption of IoT in SAP and how it plays an important role. Finally, we will briefly discuss automatic inventory replenishment using SAP IoT.

Industrial Revolutions 1.0 to 4.0

The picture below describes how the industries transformed from mechanical power to the Internet of Things.

7 Data Management Pitfalls To Avoid


Most businesses are aware of why migrating applications and workloads to the cloud is beneficial. Cloud technology is a necessity in today’s big data world. However, with change comes risk. When IT systems go down or aren’t managed effectively, the entire business suffers. 

Big data investment is clearly advantageous, but poor management can mean a big mess. Averting a data management crisis is easier when you’re aware of the common mistakes others have made. That way you can be ready with a solution instead of spending time on the phone or on a video call with your team. 

Cloud Technology Impact on Big Enterprises

Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds and is rapidly transforming almost every aspect of our life. Cloud technology is a major shift from conventional computing technologies and is impacting businesses of all sizes immensely. For big enterprises, however, its impact is highly positive. Before discussing the cloud technology’s benefits for big enterprises, it is important to know, what is actually meant by the term.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud technology, or cloud computing, in its simplest terms, denotes the delivery of computer system resources (hardware, software, analytics, databases, intelligence, and networking, etc.) through the internet. The word "cloud" is used as a metaphor for the internet because, traditionally, the internet has always been described as a cloud in all flow charts.

Using IoT and Serverless: Tackling Global Issues

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“The Internet of Things is an industry that has not exploded the way many thought it would”, is the opening line of Matt Werner’s reputed article DZone’s 2019 Guide to Internet of Things (IoT). Werner, who is now publications manager at Devada, most aptly describes the industry as one that brought along with it a lot of hope but failed to deliver on them at the scale anticipated almost a decade ago. One of the major expectations of IoT was its ability to solve pressing social and economic issues of humanity. That was because of IoT’s ability to incorporate technological aid with governmental and institutional efforts in tackling issues impaling global societies.