Why PKI Is Critical to Your Cloud Strategy

Modern businesses are becoming ever more reliant on digital data and electronic activities, and as a result, meet rigorous data privacy compliance hurdles and information security regulations. Also, with companies increasingly under threat of online cyber-attacks and malicious insiders, enterprise applications and interfaces are now reliant on using digital credentials to manage how users and companies access sensitive information and crucial system resources. 

This is why businesses rely on several data authentication systems to guard their key customer and enterprise data. However, out of all different authentication systems, PKIs (Public Key Infrastructure) ensure the trustworthiness of identity credentials. 

Mainframe Modernization to Cloud

Despite the efficacy and benefits of Cloud-native development, the Mainframe remains a core and valuable enterprise technology for large enterprise customers (especially in finance, insurance, manufacturing, retail, and the public sector). Maybe because Mainframe offers resiliency, reliability, and trusted security. But it isn’t enough to sustain in today’s disruptive business environment. 

Faster time to market, employee, and customer experience has become a business imperative, and the Mainframe systems are a significant barrier in achieving the same. The flexibility and versatility of Cloud DevOps are overshadowing the Mainframe’s ability to innovate in the current business environment. Cost considerations and changes in the workforce also impact Mainframe’s viability as a long-term technology solution.

Refactoring Applications for Cloud Migration: What, When, And How

Refactor your legacy applications to make use of the cloud

Enterprises migrating their applications to the cloud often face difficulty in choosing the right cloud migration approach that is line with their business goals and constraints. Here are a bunch of questions that can help you with this:

  • What are your business goals?
  • What are your application capacities?
  • What is the estimated cost for your cloud migration process?

Answering these questions, and then selecting the best suitable cloud migration path, will guarantee the long-term success of your enterprise with the migration approach you choose.