Getting Started With AWS Monitoring

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most popular public cloud, with 175 services and counting. A key element of a successful cloud operation is gaining visibility into what is running where, what issues are occurring, and dealing with them, preferably automatically.

In this article, I’ll discuss the basics of AWS monitoring, including Amazon services that can assist with monitoring, key metrics to watch for the most popular Amazon services, and a special focus on monitoring EC2 environments, which are the basis for most Amazon deployments.

Hybrid Cloud Visibility – Going Beyond Performance Charts

Enterprise IT teams often ask whether they need the same level of visibility and granularity for workloads and infrastructure in cloud as compared to their data centers. This question arises from the fact that many enterprises are still in the process of cloud adoption and there are many variables when it comes to operations and monitoring the "cloud." Doesn't cloud imply instances will always be available?

A survey on the state of cloud monitoring conducted recently by Dimensional Research and Ixia has published some key findings:

Monitoring Microsoft Azure With

Microsoft Azure has long proven it’s a force to be reckoned with in the world of cloud computing. Over the past year, Azure has made some significant steps in bridging the gap with AWS by offering new services and capabilities as well as competitive pricing. 

A growing number of our users are Azure fans, and so we’re happy to introduce a new integration for Azure as well as premade dashboards for monitoring different Azure resources!