Cloud Migration Manual: The Adjustment to SaaS Model

The cloud-based SaaS model eliminates the need to build, set up, and manage the system, allowing users to just purchase the desired program for a certain length of time. And to migrate to the cloud you need to set up a roadmap, prepare to change app architecture, pick up a SaaS hosting provider, and lastly delineate the data migration process.

Before the gaining growth of SaaS software popularity within the development, IT solutions were pretty obvious: businesses had on-premises applications, which operated on particular servers with a certain volume and other limitations. And developing ones, companies went along with the high fees on maintenance, expenses on manual labor, as well as challenges regarding updating.

Cloud Migration Checklist

In several cases where IT executives work towards moving key enterprise applications to the public cloud, their teams struggle or have limited success in their cloud migrations. However, they never give up and they use these lessons to improve their results in subsequent attempts.

If your organization is wanting to modernize mission-critical applications and you’re designing a cloud migration as a locality of this process, you don’t wish to repeat others’ mistakes.

Application Cloud Migration or Application Modernization?

Traditional software applications and on-premise legacy applications have limited computing power. However, innovations and trials require enormous computing resources. As a result, enterprises are looking at cloud migration and application modernization as the preliminary business requirement for launching innovations. It not only allows them to execute cross geography trials but also test digital innovations with AI/ML algorithms that require exhaustive computing.

Application Cloud Migration and Application Modernization Are Synonymous 

Application cloud migration entails the movement of the on-premise applications to the cloud environment, either on-premise cloud or public cloud, in order to avail the benefits of scalability, flexibility, and exponential computing power. It is synonymous with application modernization that allows the erstwhile on-premise application in its cloud-borne avatar to process queries and data at a tremendous speed. The applications are on the same turf as the cloud-first applications that are the true proponents of the cloud-native environment.

Beginner’s Guide To Using Amazon S3 Storage Classes

As the world increasingly moves towards the cloud, there’s been an insane demand for the right cloud platforms and solutions over the last few years. Furthermore, with the gradual introduction of advanced technologies and concepts like data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more into organizations’ operational modules, there is a constant need to have adequate storage space to accommodate increasing data generation requirements.

For those of you who are on the lookout for quality and cost-effective AWS cloud migration tools and services, this guide will introduce you to Amazon’s S3 Storage. This post will offer you extensive insights on what it is all about and help you make better decisions on migrating to this service.

After the Lift and Shift: 10 Steps to Optimize Your Cloud Efficiency

The majority of enterprises and companies move into the cloud to leverage performance optimization and efficiently handle their workloads. Although cloud infrastructure proves to be efficient for most companies, there is always some room to further optimize your cloud efficiency by making minor improvement changes to your infrastructure.

If you have just migrated your applications and workload into the cloud, then it’s time to optimize your cloud infrastructure by using our ten most performance-oriented steps below:

Oracle PLM Cloud vs Arena PLM


Creating and supporting great products requires innovation, data analysis, team collaboration, consistent quality, and safety checks, along with a strong commercialization plan. All this is impossible to manage without the right PLM software. With several PLM software options available on the market, it is not easy to choose one according to your requirements. We have picked out two SaaS PLM solutions: Oracle PLM Cloud and Arena PLM, and we'll discuss their strengths and differences.

Disclaimer: Although GoSaaS is an AOracle partner, this article is strictly dependent on research done based on material in the public domain and opinions formed by the author for the benefits of product companies making PLM software decisions. This in no way represents the opinion of Oracle Corporation.

On-Premise to Cloud Migration: 4 Key Challenges in Becoming Cloud-Native

83% of enterprise workloads is going to move to Cloud by the end of 2020.

It indicates that businesses are releasing the importance of deploying workloads in the cloud and are migrating applications from on-premises to the cloud. The dynamic nature of the cloud platform makes scaling infrastructure to accommodate changing requirements a relatively pain-free process.

A successful migration faces many challenges including controlling costs, picking the right architecture, and scaling learning curves. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that every step from planning and assessment to migration is performed by certified cloud experts or service providers.

Managing Business Risks of Large Scale Cloud Migrations [Webinar Sign-up]

The leading enterprises continue to drive digital transformation and are modernizing their data architecture to take advantage of the many economic and functional benefits enabled by the cloud. While the move to the cloud is making companies more competitive, lean and nimble, many technical teams are concerned about the complexities and business risks associated with large scale data migrations.

Join technical experts from Infosys and WANdisco as they share technical insights about the risks and costs associated with large scale data migrations. Learn how technical teams can avoid these business risks by leveraging a LiveData approach using WANdisco solutions, and how Infosys and WANdisco have recently worked together on behalf of a global retailer on a successful 3.5 petabyte business-critical data migration project, completing it in 72 days with minimal business disruption and zero data loss.

4 Self-Deployable Ways to Digitize Your Business

Migrating to the cloud has always been an onus for organizations looking to step ahead of competitors. Given the current situation, where every business activity is forced to slow down, cloud platforms might bring harmony. The question that arises here is how? 

When the entire workforce is isolated and at distant locations, dealing and tackling a whole new environment, let alone setting it up, seems inappropriate. But do you know you can still move on with cloud transformations with ease?   

The Do’s and Don’ts of Cloud Computing

As digital transformation becomes crucial for all businesses, the pace of cloud adoption continues to accelerate. Higher flexibility, scalability, reliability, and affordability are some of the key factors that contribute to the drastic increase in cloud computing trends. Cloud technology not only enables businesses to scale their computing needs as they grow, but also ensure operational success and satisfy evolving customer demands. 

According to the stats published by Cisco, 94 percent of workloads and compute instances will be processed in cloud data centers by 2021.  Whether you have decided to move your business operations to the cloud or not, it is imperative to conduct detailed research. Having a brief understanding of what you can do and what you should avoid will help in taking an informed decision. 

Cloud Computing: How Does it Benefit Your Business?

The International Data Group study shows that in 2018, 69% of businesses were already cloud-based while 18% were only planning to get on board with digitalization. Hundreds of companies around the globe are talking about the benefits of cloud computing while you are reading this article!

Nearly two decades ago, cloud computing became a breakthrough in delivering computing power to business. Thanks to large-scale data centers connected to high speed, low cost, broadband networks, users can have secure access to more business apps on more devices wherever they are 24/7. It's no wonder that traditional onsite computer facilities are struggling to keep up.

Refactoring Applications for Cloud Migration: What, When, And How

Refactor your legacy applications to make use of the cloud

Enterprises migrating their applications to the cloud often face difficulty in choosing the right cloud migration approach that is line with their business goals and constraints. Here are a bunch of questions that can help you with this:

  • What are your business goals?
  • What are your application capacities?
  • What is the estimated cost for your cloud migration process?

Answering these questions, and then selecting the best suitable cloud migration path, will guarantee the long-term success of your enterprise with the migration approach you choose.

Choosing the Right Cloud Migration Approach

A guide to packing up and migrating to the cloud.

In recent times, almost every company has become a technology company out of necessity. The fear of being left out, and giving an advantage to their competitors, has led them to adopt ways to become flexible, scalable and innovative.

One such means is by migrating to the cloud. With about 2.5x quintillion new bytes of data being generated every day, it is only reasonable that the companies adapt to a solution that is comparatively speedy, less costly, and not limited to an on-premise infrastructure.

Cloud Migration Benefits and Strategies for Businesses in 2019

Movin' on up.

A lot of businesses are migrating to cloud computing. The question, however, pertains to why we move to the cloud, so here’s our take on cloud migrating benefits and some cloud migration strategies. We’ve covered it all, whether you’re opting for a cloud-to-cloud or shared-to cloud-migration.

When web-based applications started, the app architecture was so simple that multiple apps could be easily hosted on a shared server, without any significant compromises on performance. However, as the number of users and the internal complexity of the apps increased, shared hosting started to fail, and thus, the businesses migrated their apps to dedicated VPS hosting solutions where they were able to provide the resources and ensure baseline performance.

Best Practices to Handle Large-Scale Cloud Migration Like a Pro

If it's time to shift your focus to cloud migration, here's what you should know.

A majority of us are well acquainted with the phrase, "Planning is easy. Execution is hard." This scenario is quite applicable to the case of cloud migration. Large-scale migrations can be challenging as humungous data is involved. 

Cloud technology is touching new heights in industry 4.0. At a global level, the cloud migration market is expected to reach a staggering $86.7 billion by 2023. Cloud migration is a challenging task, and these challenges keep intensifying, even more, in large-scale cloud migration scenarios. For such massive cloud migrations, a well-crafted migration roadmap is required, which we have bifurcated here in this blog as best practices.

Automated Remediation for Cloud-Specific Threats

For business enterprises shifting to cloud platforms, going to the cloud offers a number of benefits and makes innovation happen faster. Working on the cloud removes barriers to innovation in many ways.

Cloud technology makes processes cheaper, easily scalable and flexible. It provides businesses flexible capacity for data storage and dissemination which is not easily done with physical data centers. Cloud technology offers massive scaling capabilities as enterprises can purchase more capacity whenever needed.

The R’s of Migration

There are many ways by which you can migrate your applications to the cloud. In this blog, we will go over different strategies that any company can leverage in order to migration their production workloads to the cloud.

Before the migration phase, it is essential to determine the current environment, its dependencies, types of servers and applications, licenses and much more.