Bridging the Cloud and Embedded Developer Worlds

Embedded developers haven't always followed the same path as traditional software developers. However, the introduction of cloud and cloud-native technologies like containerization is bringing these two groups together. Embedded developers seek the benefits of Linux and containers, and the proliferation of IoT devices means we need to expand talent in both directions. 

In a recent interview with Mitch Ashley (@techstrongGroup) of TechStrong TV, Ricardo Mendoza (@ricmm), CEO of Pantacor, discussed his vision of bridging the embedded and cloud developer worlds together through an open-source platform with containers and DevOps for IoT developers.

Cloud Development Environments: Using Skaffold and Telepresence on Kubernetes

Skaffold is an open-source project created by Google. It provides a development framework for Kubernetes-based applications. This framework creates a fast, repeatable, and simple local Kubernetes workflow. Put simply, this means that it handles all the hard bits of managing a cloud-native local development environment, such as building images and deploying to Kubernetes. With Skaffold handling the hard bits, you save time with every iteration you make in development.

Telepresence is an open-source tool created by Ambassador Labs. Telepresence makes Kubernetes developers super productive by letting them code as if their laptop is in their Kubernetes cluster. This way you can query cluster resources and experiment rapidly with other services in real-time.

10 Mandatory Services You Should Consider Adopting in AWS and Azure

Thanks to the cloud revolution, the software engineering industry went from struggling to maintain IT infrastructure on-premise to selling software for subscription within a decade. The cloud saves organizations a lot of money while giving them the agility and elasticity they need. AWS and Azure are the leading cloud providers that lead the market in providing on-demand cloud computing services and platforms to customers. Choosing between these two providers should depend on IT infrastructure, the size of the business, and long-term goals. But more importantly, organizations must decide whether the services of these two providers are compatible with them. Let us look at ten mandatory services of AWS and Azure and compare them with each other so that you can make a calculated decision as to which cloud provider to choose from the two.


The first step in any cloud journey is choosing a private network provided by cloud providers. Microsoft’s Virtual Network (VNET) and Amazon’s Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) are the most commonly used private networks in the world. These two services form the foundation for provisioning resources and services in the cloud. These private networks have a lot of similarities and a few variations. Some of the similarities between them are the segregation of networks into subnets, offering different gateways for different connectivity purposes, and allowing hybrid connections. They both use non-globally routable CIDR from the private IPv4 address ranges. On the other hand, VNET and VPC vary in only two aspects: routing table and security.

Automating NuxtJS Deployment to Heroku with CircleCI

Manually deploying a NuxtJS project is pretty easy when teams are small. However, as projects and teams grow they usually turn to CI/CD in their DevOps to automate their testing and deployment. This is when deployments—and the setup of deployments—can get complicated.

In this article, we’ll look at how to easily set up an automated CI/CD system for a NuxtJS project using Heroku and CircleCI. We’ll walk through all the details from setting up your GitHub repository to automating your tests to pushing your code changes. Then we’ll look at some suggested next steps.