5 Best Practices for Cloud Cost Optimization

The cloud promises (and delivers) great benefits to organizations across the globe—agility, scalability, and of course, cost savings through a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Although a company is only billed for what they use, determining what has been used and how it is itemized on a cloud vendor’s invoice can be a daunting task that can make CIOs’ heads spin. Most organizations have multiple teams using cloud resources in different capacities round the clock, and cloud bills can quickly evolve into a twisted mass of charges that are unclear and challenging to follow.

According to Gartner, as much as 70% of cloud costs are wasted. Cloud cost optimization the process of eliminating waste, right-sizing services, identifying un-utilized or mismanaged resources, and finding opportunities for discounts. Demystify your cloud bill and improve your bottom line with the following best practices for cloud cost optimization.

Cloud Migration Benefits and Strategies for Businesses in 2019

Movin' on up.

A lot of businesses are migrating to cloud computing. The question, however, pertains to why we move to the cloud, so here’s our take on cloud migrating benefits and some cloud migration strategies. We’ve covered it all, whether you’re opting for a cloud-to-cloud or shared-to cloud-migration.

When web-based applications started, the app architecture was so simple that multiple apps could be easily hosted on a shared server, without any significant compromises on performance. However, as the number of users and the internal complexity of the apps increased, shared hosting started to fail, and thus, the businesses migrated their apps to dedicated VPS hosting solutions where they were able to provide the resources and ensure baseline performance.

Cloud Cost Optimization for 2019

Practically everything runs in the cloud these days. Cloud technology and the multiple platforms available today certainly make running apps and web services in the cloud easier. At the same time, cloud infrastructure has new features that expand its capabilities, including deployment features like containers and advanced administrative tools.

It is relatively easy to set up a capable cloud environment for any app or service. The real challenge is creating an environment that is both effective and efficient, especially in terms of setup and running costs. With the New Year already moving quickly, every business is no doubt looking for ways to run smoother and more economically. Thankfully, cloud cost optimization can be done in many different ways across multiple services.